New Round of LAYOFFs

This is me again who left gracefully. One more thing, all the executives who are left over have been told to go very lean. They actually openly write in the emails that Valeant only wants lean and reductions. So without understanding the new cluster crap left over the remaining the remaining executives are forcing reductions to please MP. Again I was in the middle of this when I bowed out as I can't have this on my conscience.

You got it. This *is* the Valeant model, and no one from MP on down even tries to hide it. Cut, cut, cut. Make the environment unworkable, and then don't backfill any positions when people get fed up and leave. Plenty of info all over the web about MP's prior acquisitions, and they were all the same pattern. There's nothing at all special about this acquisition - just a bigger pool of "FTE's" to bleed. Valeant only makes sense once you realize that building a real company is the furthest thing from MP's mind. It's all about keeping the fiction alive with the next acquisition, and the next, until it blows up. We are just "human capital" for mikey to spend.

Good luck everyone.

All I can tell you is leave, do your best to start looking, all levels, look hard, call your contacts, don't be shy. You must move on if you have ethics in your system. You must realize that above all MP BS is the concept of ethics. Do not settle for the fact that you have job today. That will be gone tomorrow but you have to look.
Leave this unethical and bullshit, teach MO that he needs people to run organization.
Take control and move on.
Tell your boss you are looking, he/she can't fire you, the org is already stripped and they are
looking too.
Do it now, do your best to look for new opportunity.

This is truly not meant to scare you but I am sorry it is the reality.
I was asked to take pay cut with larger responsibility and I said no because Valeant
was being extremely unreasonable to me in their attempt
to retain me. I got my package and I am already working as a senior executive.
I was part of their panzi scheme in reshaping new org and I know
for fact more cuts are coming in the entire US region - about 700 or so in 2 months.
I didn't want to plan this and I fought them but they told me
I was unrealistic. So I told them I am out and gave up my job in new company for most of you.
But they are coming - go see Shaun of the dead - or world war Z - they are f'n zombies.

Thank you for telling us the truth, it's great to finally see a post that appears to be from the inside and is on our side. This IS as bad as I thought.....

All I can tell you is leave, do your best to start looking, all levels, look hard, call your contacts, don't be shy. You must move on if you have ethics in your system. You must realize that above all MP BS is the concept of ethics. Do not settle for the fact that you have job today. That will be gone tomorrow but you have to look.
Leave this unethical and bullshit, teach MO that he needs people to run organization.
Take control and move on.
Tell your boss you are looking, he/she can't fire you, the org is already stripped and they are
looking too.
Do it now, do your best to look for new opportunity.

Ridiculous. Don't tell your boss shit. If you get fired, so be it. Get the severance, milk the unemployment. No shame in that. The current system of government and capitalism will be the death of the middle class. Doesn't matter what shitty party you vote for. These corporate goons got their golden parachutes. Milk whatever benefits you can, then adjust and find a new line of work. But don't bail until they kick you out. Let them pay a paltry penny in unemployment, but at least they'll pay. Greedy a-holes.

Ridiculous. Don't tell your boss shit. If you get fired, so be it. Get the severance, milk the unemployment. No shame in that. The current system of government and capitalism will be the death of the middle class. Doesn't matter what shitty party you vote for. These corporate goons got their golden parachutes. Milk whatever benefits you can, then adjust and find a new line of work. But don't bail until they kick you out. Let them pay a paltry penny in unemployment, but at least they'll pay. Greedy a-holes.

Why leave? You know you will not be in this organization for the long run so milk it. By now you know how to get away without doing any work with little consequence to you. So play the game of doing very little for as long as possible. Yes, they may catch on at some point but who cares. You know you have to leave the company at some point anyway.

So enjoy yourselves. Whether you are a really high performer or a really bad performer you will eventually get kicked out of the organization because your salary is too high. So be a bad performer by taking it easy and enjoy yourself why it lasts.

Ridiculous. Don't tell your boss shit. If you get fired, so be it. Get the severance, milk the unemployment. No shame in that. The current system of government and capitalism will be the death of the middle class. Doesn't matter what shitty party you vote for. These corporate goons got their golden parachutes. Milk whatever benefits you can, then adjust and find a new line of work. But don't bail until they kick you out. Let them pay a paltry penny in unemployment, but at least they'll pay. Greedy a-holes.

I couldn't have said it any better myself!!

Why leave? You know you will not be in this organization for the long run so milk it. By now you know how to get away without doing any work with little consequence to you. So play the game of doing very little for as long as possible. Yes, they may catch on at some point but who cares. You know you have to leave the company at some point anyway.

So enjoy yourselves. Whether you are a really high performer or a really bad performer you will eventually get kicked out of the organization because your salary is too high. So be a bad performer by taking it easy and enjoy yourself why it lasts.

Damn right! Hopefully they get a 483 in the process.

Most of Valeant sites have been outside US so they have no concept of 483.
But now boys and girls watch out, 483 galores.
The useless left over leaders like F'n DeSouza and his team of crappy misfits
are going be shafted big time.
Haha haha and haha :).

Ladies and Gentlemen, round 2 is FAST approaching make no mistake Valeant is looking for a few good B+L employees to get rid of...a few hundred more that is and this time across the U.S. I got wind they are looking at EVERYTHING to get rid of people- good example of this is what you spend on your CCs. performance reviews etc etc etc and etc...hold on to your butts is going to be a bumpy ride in Oct/Nov and valeant is driving...

Ridiculous. Don't tell your boss shit. If you get fired, so be it. Get the severance, milk the unemployment. No shame in that. The current system of government and capitalism will be the death of the middle class. Doesn't matter what shitty party you vote for. These corporate goons got their golden parachutes. Milk whatever benefits you can, then adjust and find a new line of work. But don't bail until they kick you out. Let them pay a paltry penny in unemployment, but at least they'll pay. Greedy a-holes.

Leaches like you are the death of the middle class. Get off your lazy a$$ and go get a job you can handle or be productive.. no one OWES you anything.

Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer US Senator has talked to Valeant and has guaranteed that there will never be any additional cuts to B+L D&R in Rochester. D&R is safe.

HAHAHAHA... surely you jest!

The ignorance contained in this post runneth over. But then, I guess ignorance is bliss. Remember your foolish words next time this scum-ball politician wants your vote. He's lying through his teeth.

OH, but a politician said it, it must be true. That mentality is why we have the current line-up of idiots in office. Critical thinking skills are so very important. You should develop some.

Leaches like you are the death of the middle class. Get off your lazy a$$ and go get a job you can handle or be productive.. no one OWES you anything.

Right wing trickle down economic douches like you are the type that allow these companies to buy their way in to public policy and make it so the rich get richer and the middle class get stuck flipping the bill! In case you have been in a hole this whole time, there are no jobs out there because this idiot prez of ours is more worried about his celeb status. Corporations like this get plenty of tax funded welfare too. Get your head out Rush Limbaughs ass and wake up.

What is this "not selected" list you are referring too?

Everyone who got laid off (at least in California) had the list of "Selected" and "Not Selected" employees in their folder. Only states job titles and ages (to prove there is no age discrimination) and they are legally required to provide this. Of course, if there are only a couple of people who have a specific title and you've been with BL for a while, you know who they are anyway. Obviously people aren't keeping the info to themselves.

HAHAHAHA... surely you jest!

The ignorance contained in this post runneth over. But then, I guess ignorance is bliss. Remember your foolish words next time this scum-ball politician wants your vote. He's lying through his teeth.

OH, but a politician said it, it must be true. That mentality is why we have the current line-up of idiots in office. Critical thinking skills are so very important. You should develop some.

Thank you! Couldn't have said it better myself. People need to look at this objectively and understand that they (we) are cogs in the wheels of the business, and that the direction of the business has changed because new owners are now in charge. Politicians can bring attention to what's happening and pretend like they're making a difference, but that's the extent of it. What is that quote from You've Got Mail quoting The Godfather? "It's not personal, it's just business." We have to remember that. As workers, we take our skills to the marketplace and sell them to the highest bidder. Those of us who are mobile and motivated will be able to find something else or take advantage of another opportunity; we don't need to wallow in the severance and unemployment where there are options (in fact, if you can bank your severance and start working soon, that's even better; then you can buy something you want or save it or go on vacation). I tell my coworkers all the time that I have confidence in them to start over and do well for themselves. It's inevitable. It will happen.

So things have to change for us. Accept it and move on. Remember, "crisis" and "opportunity" are the same word in Chinese.

Right wing trickle down economic douches like you are the type that allow these companies to buy their way in to public policy and make it so the rich get richer and the middle class get stuck flipping the bill! In case you have been in a hole this whole time, there are no jobs out there because this idiot prez of ours is more worried about his celeb status. Corporations like this get plenty of tax funded welfare too. Get your head out Rush Limbaughs ass and wake up.

I have three interviews this week with 2 more scheduled next week and 3 the week after... Bag the excuses and the blame... I happen to very much agree that this prez sucks beyond any other is history. However, you should make the mirror your friend and you will find the answers you seek where you (apparently) least expect them. It won't be while sitting on your backside waiting for hand outs whining about how the "system" is so unfair.

The middle class is currently getting exactly what they deserve for voting these nim-rods into office... the beauty of our system... sooner or later they will wake the he!! up due to the self inflicted pain. Hopefully soon, but not before they smarten up and stop tolerating being 'dumbed down' at every opportunity because its easier to blindly "believe."

I have three interviews this week with 2 more scheduled next week and 3 the week after... Bag the excuses and the blame... I happen to very much agree that this prez sucks beyond any other is history. However, you should make the mirror your friend and you will find the answers you seek where you (apparently) least expect them. It won't be while sitting on your backside waiting for hand outs whining about how the "system" is so unfair.

The middle class is currently getting exactly what they deserve for voting these nim-rods into office... the beauty of our system... sooner or later they will wake the he!! up due to the self inflicted pain. Hopefully soon, but not before they smarten up and stop tolerating being 'dumbed down' at every opportunity because its easier to blindly "believe."

Yeah, those who are truly talentless often need many interviews to find a dupe foolish enough to take them in. Good luck with your endless interviews, rodent.