This is me again who left gracefully. One more thing, all the executives who are left over have been told to go very lean. They actually openly write in the emails that Valeant only wants lean and reductions. So without understanding the new cluster crap left over the remaining the remaining executives are forcing reductions to please MP. Again I was in the middle of this when I bowed out as I can't have this on my conscience.
You got it. This *is* the Valeant model, and no one from MP on down even tries to hide it. Cut, cut, cut. Make the environment unworkable, and then don't backfill any positions when people get fed up and leave. Plenty of info all over the web about MP's prior acquisitions, and they were all the same pattern. There's nothing at all special about this acquisition - just a bigger pool of "FTE's" to bleed. Valeant only makes sense once you realize that building a real company is the furthest thing from MP's mind. It's all about keeping the fiction alive with the next acquisition, and the next, until it blows up. We are just "human capital" for mikey to spend.
Good luck everyone.