New Round of LAYOFFs


McKenzie has approached leftover BL leaders for round 2 of layoffs in US. The plan is to send another round of layoff folders to about 750 people across America Region including sites. The sites targeted are Tampa, Clearwater, St. Louis and Greenville. Plus more cuts in regional reports in US. With this new layoff it will take care of US region.
Start discussing with your bosses and ask them honestly if you should be looking for a job now.

I agree, yes moron, Rochester too. Valeant was as confused as BL when trying to layoff in first round. Now the 2nd round begins. McKenzie is in Rochester next week.
Do you people know that majority of the leaders left don't know what their titles are and check this out they think they have BL wages as moving forward. Part of next month layoff is also
reduction in salaries to adjust to Valeant model unless you negotiated to stay
on current compensation.
They will get you in every hole.

Based on what?!?

My guess would be some low level manager's perception of what D&R is, not realizing D&R is an all-encomapssing term that includes different business units and facilities. Perhaps, one tiny little segment of D&R is safe - for a while, but its foolish to make such a blanket statement, without specifying 'which' and 'where' when referring to D&R.

My guess would be some low level manager's perception of what D&R is, not realizing D&R is an all-encomapssing term that includes different business units and facilities. Perhaps, one tiny little segment of D&R is safe - for a while, but its foolish to make such a blanket statement, without specifying 'which' and 'where' when referring to D&R.

Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer US Senator has talked to Valeant and has guaranteed that there will never be any additional cuts to B+L D&R in Rochester. D&R is safe.

I agree, yes moron, Rochester too. Valeant was as confused as BL when trying to layoff in first round. Now the 2nd round begins. McKenzie is in Rochester next week.
Do you people know that majority of the leaders left don't know what their titles are and check this out they think they have BL wages as moving forward. Part of next month layoff is also
reduction in salaries to adjust to Valeant model unless you negotiated to stay
on current compensation.
They will get you in every hole.

This is BS. Org charts are out from the top to way down. Titles included. Troll.

McKenzie has approached leftover BL leaders for round 2 of layoffs in US. The plan is to send another round of layoff folders to about 750 people across America Region including sites. The sites targeted are Tampa, Clearwater, St. Louis and Greenville. Plus more cuts in regional reports in US. With this new layoff it will take care of US region.
Start discussing with your bosses and ask them honestly if you should be looking for a job now.

Any idea/ timeframe for the 2nd round of layoffs?

Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer US Senator has talked to Valeant and has guaranteed that there will never be any additional cuts to B+L D&R in Rochester. D&R is safe.

I think what the other person was trying to say is that there is D&R in places other than Rochester - some of which may not be this thing you call "safe." In fact, there's a whole lotta B&L in places other than Rochester.

Just because Chuck Schumer spoke to Valeant doesn't mean anything. Pearson told him to go fix the congress first.
How many times does MP have to say they do not do R&D, so more cuts coming there too.
The cuts will start September 16th week in Tampa, Clearwater and Rochester. Then a week later in St. Louis and Greenville.
Just keep your desks clean.
Also in September Aliso, Irvine and Obagi are being combined in Irvine. More cuts will happen there again.

This is truly not meant to scare you but I am sorry it is the reality.
I was asked to take pay cut with larger responsibility and I said no because Valeant
was being extremely unreasonable to me in their attempt
to retain me. I got my package and I am already working as a senior executive.
I was part of their panzi scheme in reshaping new org and I know
for fact more cuts are coming in the entire US region - about 700 or so in 2 months.
I didn't want to plan this and I fought them but they told me
I was unrealistic. So I told them I am out and gave up my job in new company for most of you.
But they are coming - go see Shaun of the dead - or world war Z - they are f'n zombies.

This is me again who left gracefully. One more thing, all the executives who are left over have been told to go very lean. They actually openly write in the emails that Valeant only wants lean and reductions. So without understanding the new cluster crap left over the remaining the remaining executives are forcing reductions to please MP. Again I was in the middle of this when I bowed out as I can't have this on my conscience.