The layoffs have been going on all summer and fall. but because the weekly numbers are under 100 (3% or less), no fanfare is given. Look at all the people who have been let go just in the past 60 days (sales people need to look beyond your own little bubble) St. Louise, Jersey City, Long Island, NYC, have all been hit hard and silently.
Each week large hand-fulls are quietly let go. NYC was at 440 staff just this past April, now we are down to a little over 200 with many more leaving (we just got notice that we will be leaving the first half of December...with a nice package) Jersey city had over a 1000 staff just one year ago, now they are at around 500 people with a great many (I believe I heard 200) leaving in the December layoffs.
Talented people...that Actavis will lose forever. Talent like those who researched some of our biggest drugs and developed the compounds. You can't get that talent or expertise back. For wanting to remain a well-balanced organization....Actavis sure is becoming generics heavy and branded light. Legacy Forest will be down 70% of staff come this December from just one year ago.....shocking....but this is business!