New rep testing?


As a new college grad I’ve been interviewing for a primary care role. Can anyone tell me what happens when you get your offer? Is it pending a background check and drug test? Do they still drug test at az? And then once I pass those I get a start date?


As a new college grad I’ve been interviewing for a primary care role. Can anyone tell me what happens when you get your offer? Is it pending a background check and drug test? Do they still drug test at az? And then once I pass those I get a start date?

Yes, junior, they all have to test as federal contractors. Offer is always contingent on passing background but you will probably get the start date with the offer.

As a new college grad I’ve been interviewing for a primary care role. Can anyone tell me what happens when you get your offer? Is it pending a background check and drug test? Do they still drug test at az? And then once I pass those I get a start date?
I don't believe you are who you say you are. You ask "Do they still drug test at AZ?" as if you are aware of it and why does it matter? Are you going to fail? But let's just answer one question for you. Your start date will be dependent upon when the next training class is. Ask when it is at the interview & you will have your answer.

As a new college grad I’ve been interviewing for a primary care role. Can anyone tell me what happens when you get your offer? Is it pending a background check and drug test? Do they still drug test at az? And then once I pass those I get a start date?
Drug test yes and even a hair follicle test, so you better be clean!

Yes, some companies do check your credit. They do so because they will be issuing you a company credit card. Want to minimize the chances of someone irresponsible getting their hands on it.

Does AZ mandate C19 vaccine upon a new hire in 2023? If so, would they approve a religious exemption?
Yes, no. At this point if you are afraid of any vaccine, you are looking at the wrong industry. I am amazed how many people want to work in this industry that when it comes down to it, don't really believe in modern medicine or basic science. Please look elsewhere.