New Positions Posted


There is a new job posted on the internet for a DDS Manager. The posting does not indicate where this position is. Does anyone know what area this is for? Also, there is a postion for major account exective in Texas. What happened to the current major account executive?

dm opening is in houston

veteran mae retired like many are right now after serving their lives and leaving exhausted and broken thanks to the head up their ass chicago boys, not to mention every bonus check is short from the written plan and did I mention salary caps?

NOW HIRING and welcome to the company if you are a 20 year old barbie cause the wolves at hq are looking for fresh meat

dm opening is in houston

veteran mae retired like many are right now after serving their lives and leaving exhausted and broken thanks to the head up their ass chicago boys, not to mention every bonus check is short from the written plan and did I mention salary caps?

NOW HIRING and welcome to the company if you are a 20 year old barbie cause the wolves at hq are looking for fresh meat

tits and ass sell pencil neck (and dick) geeks don't

Who/where are all these "young bucks" getting hired. There haven't been that many jobs posted. I agree that as the job market improves, many people will jump off this sinking ship. The good ones, anyway, who want more out of their careers. Also agree there is lot's of dead weight on board, but what the hell are you youngsters really selling? Pushing gpo contracts? Backordered drugs? Recalled or non-existent pumps?

Good luck turning this around. As you age and get wiser, you will learn that success in a blue chipper like HSP is only enjoyed by the Top 5% who hold the stock options. For the rest of us grunts, if you have what it takes, your best bet is getting on board with a company that truly rewards hard work and allows talent to be judged by what you can sell. PS, you are here because you were either sold a load of bullshit promises or because you really want to coast.

Now get your ass ready for the big earnings pep rally! Rah Rah! (How does a company that can't produce jack shit keep earning $$ ????? Think about it........)

Who/where are all these "young bucks" getting hired. There haven't been that many jobs posted. I agree that as the job market improves, many people will jump off this sinking ship. The good ones, anyway, who want more out of their careers. Also agree there is lot's of dead weight on board, but what the hell are you youngsters really selling? Pushing gpo contracts? Backordered drugs? Recalled or non-existent pumps?

Good luck turning this around. As you age and get wiser, you will learn that success in a blue chipper like HSP is only enjoyed by the Top 5% who hold the stock options. For the rest of us grunts, if you have what it takes, your best bet is getting on board with a company that truly rewards hard work and allows talent to be judged by what you can sell. PS, you are here because you were either sold a load of bullshit promises or because you really want to coast.

Now get your ass ready for the big earnings pep rally! Rah Rah! (How does a company that can't produce jack shit keep earning $$ ????? Think about it........)

It sounds like you are a bitter "old fart". Step aside and let the "young bucks" drive the company forward. We just can't go around in a circle with you ex-Abbott folks anymore!!

Don't listen to the hype. Hospira screwed thousands of good people and kept some of the worst people for stupid reasons. No matter how much they try to cover it up that simple fact is well known.

It appears the company is headed down hill due to its own managements short sightedness. I for one will be laughing when Hospira is bought out and the buyer cleans house. Lets see those backstabbers find jobs then.

It sounds like you are a bitter "old fart". Step aside and let the "young bucks" drive the company forward. We just can't go around in a circle with you ex-Abbott folks anymore!!

Not an Abbott leftover dickhead and can work circles around you. Remember this post 2 yrs from now when you have learned the hard way. I assure you I will be elsewhere by my own initiative.

Please grow up and THINK - - - we are a global company and strategically creating jobs in developing nations is a SMART strategy. Our job is very simple - - - create increased value for Hospira share holders! If you want a government service job, try the post office. Most posters on this site know nothing about business!!

Please grow up and THINK - - - we are a global company and strategically creating jobs in developing nations is a SMART strategy. Our job is very simple - - - create increased value for Hospira share holders! If you want a government service job, try the post office. Most posters on this site know nothing about business!!

If this mgt team was actually laser-focused on the task of creating shareholder would they be buying back shares instead of paying a dividend? Share buybacks are often the sign of a poorly managed public company being run for the benefit of a few insiders at the top, not shareholders, employees, etc. Methinks the facts fit the situation at hospira quite well.

Please grow up and THINK - - - we are a global company and strategically creating jobs in developing nations is a SMART strategy. Our job is very simple - - - create increased value for Hospira share holders! If you want a government service job, try the post office. Most posters on this site know nothing about business!!

Using that way of thinking backs up the way the company want to go. OVERSEAS. If everyone agreed with that then there should be no bitching about unemployment in the U.S. There must come a time that we take care of the U.S. citizens over the greed of a few.

If this mgt team was actually laser-focused on the task of creating shareholder would they be buying back shares instead of paying a dividend? Share buybacks are often the sign of a poorly managed public company being run for the benefit of a few insiders at the top, not shareholders, employees, etc. Methinks the facts fit the situation at hospira quite well.

Well said. This company doesn't even give stock options to the salesforce. You have to be in management to receive stock options.

Chris Begley's Salary for 2010

Salary $1,086,538.00
Bonus $0.00
Restricted stock awards $3,000,001.00
All other compensation $76,057.00
Option awards $ $1,999,998.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $1,189,759.00
Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings $486,866.00
Total Compensation $7,839,219.00

Chris Begley's Salary for 2010

Salary $1,086,538.00
Bonus $0.00
Restricted stock awards $3,000,001.00
All other compensation $76,057.00
Option awards $ $1,999,998.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $1,189,759.00
Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings $486,866.00
Total Compensation $7,839,219.00

Envious, Slacker?

Chris Begley's Salary for 2010

Salary $1,086,538.00
Bonus $0.00
Restricted stock awards $3,000,001.00
All other compensation $76,057.00
Option awards $ $1,999,998.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $1,189,759.00
Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings $486,866.00
Total Compensation $7,839,219.00

If you were smarter and worked harder, maybe you could have made Chris' salary! There are leaders and sheep. You are part of the flock.