The Graceway salespeople are worthless.....all they know how to do is sample drop!
seems to be working well for Galderma. Idiot
The Graceway salespeople are worthless.....all they know how to do is sample drop!
Bwahahaha... sounds like the kettle is calling the pot black. If you were talented, you would not be in a sales job. Bwahahahaha!!!!
60 base? lol no thanks
you're selling a pharma product to peds. What the f did you expect to make?
you're selling a pharma product to peds. What the f did you expect to make?
I'm not selling anything to PEDS. Hence the no thanks, portion there playboy. I think its funny that people have any interest in this.
Has Cosblow, from GW interviewed with you guys yet?
I hope they hire him Cos. Medicis deserves him!
You think it's funny? I'm surprised you didn't type "lol". I'm confused, were you "lol" because of the base or the fact that the position calls on peds? I think maybe you're confused. Also, there's no need for a comma after "no thanks", playboy.
Thanks, playboy.
Comma is deserved and needed to stress the condescending use of the word playboy to an idiot.
I'm not LOL-ing, I'm laughing at the fact this company thinks they are going anywhere with the recent purchase of the pile of crap from Graceway and the PEDS addition. Not to mention the reps here don't even sell. You give your products away for free. You area joke so please die slow.
Is it true they are building the Ped sales force to turnaround and sell the company? Is it true that Medicis is for sale?