New owners and still in the toilet

Maybe it’s a YOU problem, USL management …30 years with no other jobs and it shows.
At some point you would think a new owner would put people in charge who know what they are doing instead of riding past glory from a decade ago Which was more luck anyway.

hopefully the last owners learned a lesson about keeping people in charge who lied to you about the value of the company and its products.

Might as well. Bora only bought it for the manufacturing for their flailing CMO business…couldn’t fill Taiwan or Canada, and now killed two generic labels in the US because they have no idea what they’re doing. BS too proud to admit a mistake, and the henchmen around him will never tell the truth.

Might as well. Bora only bought it for the manufacturing for their flailing CMO business…couldn’t fill Taiwan or Canada, and now killed two generic labels in the US because they have no idea what they’re doing. BS too proud to admit a mistake, and the henchmen around him will never tell the truth.
All he wants are yes sir people...

I wonder how the egomaniac will handle the bad press from the closure?
It may have helped if the “leaders” hadn’t gutted the commercial organization so they could hit their number every year.

instead they left themselves vulnerable to competition which was never their strength.

my guess is the mercenaries we bought take over since they are willing to tell him what he wants to hear.