New National Sales Manager


I wanted to take a poll and see if current sales representatives would welcome a new National Sales Manager? Someone with experience in the industry. Do you think this would make an immediate positive difference?

Someone with proven executive level sales leadership experience in this area of healthcare? I'd say that should have been the first thing your company would have done.

I think the "Buck" stops at the top. I am not blaming Rob anymore for giving it his best shot. I now believe the problem stems from the owner. No excuses here. I think this HC1 is a handicap to me but it's not terminal. I am about to throw this sales program in the trash that Rob has pushed on all of us. It isn't working for me at all. And I have been successful for years without it and I suck with it.

Rob is probably just trying to keep his job. Old Scooter is at the top and that is where the direction is coming in my opinion. I also think that so muck damage had been done so far it's going to take some time to overcome all if this treachery.

I agree that the buck does stop at the top. I think that Rob is very dedicated and I know he had uncommon success out in the field. He worked very hard during his short time as a sales representative. Great sales people do not always make great managers. He just does not have the business acumen and experience to lead a National Sales Team. I think he would do great under someone who has that experience. Why hire the best on the lab side and then leave the sales side with no leadership?