New N.A. Teva Sales Organization

So are all the Respiratory representatives gone or joining psychiatry/primary care? I didn’t see that all Core ADs are gone? When we do know our placement/displacement any insight? This is not comforting at all.

I can't believe they put this out there with no explanation for Core reps, WTF are we supposed to take from this?

The writing is on the wall. Core will be cut in half. That would be 100 reps or so. That would take the company down to 450 which is what some have predicted the number will be. Managers will more than likely be announced next week and reps the week before NFM.

So are all of our current Respiratory ADs gone or is that the next level down? As someone else stated, I can’t believe they would announce this with no additional information. Wtf is this supposed to mean? Is there no more Core Respiratory or are we now considered primary care or in with severe asthma. This is ridiculous.

Core is the primary care in the Primary Care/Psych.

Severe Asthma remains same pretty much. Same Director & division name.

They’re Specialty. We’re Primary Care. Would rather be them, for sure.

Core is the primary care in the Primary Care/Psych.

Severe Asthma remains same pretty much. Same Director & division name.

They’re Specialty. We’re Primary Care. Would rather be them, for sure.

Teva Respiratory literally no longer exists. You'll see no reference to Respiratory anywhere in the new structure. We're plain and simply the primary care arm lumped in with the other division that's not valued TP. We'll most likely have most reps retained but definitely not all RMs. We're basically unrecognizable at this point. How many names did you know in any of those divisions today? TN is once again left intact and we're the least valued. It was a good run but the transformation of the division is almost complete to something none of us can recognize.

i was kinda hoping that the SA reps would jump ship since it’s probably pretty easy for them to get picked up, and some of us “primary Care” could roll into those spots. Then the email today made me wonder about if that’s even a possible option. Is migraine our only hope?