So are all the Respiratory representatives gone or joining psychiatry/primary care? I didn’t see that all Core ADs are gone? When we do know our placement/displacement any insight? This is not comforting at all.
Where did you see all Core ADs are gone?
What is L4? DMs?
I can't believe they put this out there with no explanation for Core reps, WTF are we supposed to take from this?
So the company bought our flights to the NSM but there is a possibility of being laid off. Makes no sense.
I can't believe they put this out there with no explanation for Core reps, WTF are we supposed to take from this?
Core is the primary care in the Primary Care/Psych.
Severe Asthma remains same pretty much. Same Director & division name.
They’re Specialty. We’re Primary Care. Would rather be them, for sure.
Anyone know who our RMs and AD will be?
I heard ADs were to find out there fate today. Anyone hear anything?
Didn’t someone say they all got shit canned yesterday?
I heard ADs were to find out there fate today. Anyone hear anything?
Go away troll
It was already announced on company wide Email
Just got word, TR Sales Force will be cut in half. 50% of us Gone.