Therefore, if I work at McDonald's is that sales?
Your question is stupid. Pharma is sales.
Therefore, if I work at McDonald's is that sales?
175k is BS.
How many dicks do you have to suck?
175k is BS.
How many dicks do you have to suck?
Your question is stupid. Pharma is sales.
Why do so many non-pharma sales jobs state in the job listing "Pharma reps need not apply?"
I forgot to add, 175k is not BS. Most device reps do 150-225. Look it up. This is for non-entry level positions.
It doesn't matter. Pharma is still sales.
A Chihuahua and a St. Bernard are vastly different, but are both still dogs. Same with pharma and non-pharma sales. Very different? Yes, still sales though!
Why do so many non-pharma sales jobs state in the job listing "Pharma reps need not apply?"
Why do so many non-pharma sales jobs state in the job listing "Pharma reps need not apply?"
For God's sake, if the guy wants to think he's in sales then let him. We know he isn't but if it makes him feel better then let him think it.
Its funny how you all make fun of the pharma rep, making 75-125k for marketing...
while most of you are in stressed out sales jobs making 50k-75k,
and a few of you are selling your soul to the Almighty dollar for 100k-200k in device...
it looks like the pharma reps are the smart ones!
Do you know the difference between sales and marketing? Pharma reps (at least a majority) are just marketers. They are a commercial for the doc. You can be part of the chain of sales (ie. mcdonalds order taker) and not be the salesperson. Ever hear the term "marketeer"?
I know the difference. Apparently, you don't.
"Your marketing will consists of the measures you use to reach and persuade your prospects that you are the company for them. It's the message that prepares the prospect for the sales. It consists of advertising, public relations, brand marketing, viral marketing, and direct mail.
The sales process consists of interpersonal interaction. It is often done by a one-on-one meeting, cold calls, and networking. It's anything that engages you with the prospect or customer on a personal level rather than at a distance."
I'm not a magazine or a newspaper or a radio or a tv, so it's pretty apparent that I'm in pharma sales. How long have you been a robot?
Most of the device reps I know are drug addicts (coke) and alcoholics, so that tells you a lot about them.
and divorced...sometimes several times over.
Its more like 85-135.
Teachers make more per hour, something to think about.
MBA is a good degree, as long it is from a top 50 school.
Those that don't think so, are usually those without one.
That's make experience with this (I don't have an MBA). That goes for education in general. I find that people without degrees think that you don't need one.
Most people with money think education is good.
Now, sales reps that think they are so great because they have been able to keep a 6 figure income in a bad economy with a 4 year degree (mostly by luck or kissing ass), think they are God's gift to sales, and think they are so good that they don't need an MBA or other advanced degree.
what these people fail to see is that they mostly got lucky (especially in pharma, where age discrimination is now rampant, and where you only get a job if you know someone). Pharma jobs are not obtained by hard work or intelligence, not anymore at least.
My take is that the MBA degree is worthwhile, as long as you know what you want to do with it, as long as it comes from a good school, and as long as it is affordable.
Screw people that say its worthless, as these morons have a 4 year degree in drinking and physical education, and never read a book with pictures, other than the great book, "How To Kiss Ass And Keep Your Job, With No Talent".