New management

Perhaps the people that vent here about the horrible present and worse future will take their own advice and "run". It's hard not to wonder why anyone with such opinions of a company would stay. It's not that hard to find a new job. I was at a company with better products and stock prices, but I hated the management, so I left. Just saying.

Perhaps the people that vent here about the horrible present and worse future will take their own advice and "run". It's hard not to wonder why anyone with such opinions of a company would stay. It's not that hard to find a new job. I was at a company with better products and stock prices, but I hated the management, so I left. Just saying.
You nailed it bro. You are here not because you care for the company's products, profits, or investors, but because you love the management!!! Got it it. They, specially the management around you, usually don't screw incompetents and touts. Isn't that cool. Who wont love such a management. Make money and once you have a sackful, leave. That's what people have been doing.

You nailed it bro. You are here not because you care for the company's products, profits, or investors, but because you love the management!!! Got it it. They, specially the management around you, usually don't screw incompetents and touts. Isn't that cool. Who wont love such a management. Make money and once you have a sackful, leave. That's what people have been doing.

My manager is not bad. I'm not getting rich, but I'm employed. I don't remember saying I loved management. As Tina Turner said "What's love go to do with it?"

You will make more money at 99.3% of other pharma companies.
Micro management has run off the good people that can find jobs elsewhere.
Lack of realistic goals has also contributed to people jumping ship.
Promius will ask more and more from you but give you little in return.
They will ask you to joint focus groups, marketing groups, ask you to help out in meetings, train new employees, cover open territories, ride with incompetent people from corporate and give you NOTHING additional in return.
The sooner you realize that they do not care if you stay or go, the better you are.
It's a job. Just not a good one.

There are going to be many neurology job opening from other companies.
I am curious to see how many jump off this sinking ship.
The reps can't even blame the current director. He is a absolute pushover for India, but even he knows where the company is going astray. He doesn't have the authority to change it.
If the national sales director is barely making any bonus money, do you expect to?

Hope that helps with your decision.

This stuff is a joke. Haven't been here long, and looking elsewhere. I didn't expect the grass to be greener, but this circus is an insult to everyone who even makes a half hearted attempt to sell .