new management

How many people have either quit or been fired in the past 6 months? Seems like more than half the company including some really good reps/ managers .. What the hell is happening over there

In the past year, just in sales force members my count comes to 25. So it's probably more. The Union lab has lost nearly every exec. Most of those positions have moved to the west coast. Which is a moronic business strategy when 80% of your business is 3000 miles away from the people who make day to day decisions. This is why the good reps / managers probably left. Who knows...

Excluding the 2 executives who should be gone.

If you are referring to Pauluzzi and Hendrick - I agree. Urban is just a puppet and should know better. We'll likely see employee and client suits against these two incompetents and heard rumor of OIG investigation regarding violations of Stark Laws - the equity firm that owns this POS must have their head up their ass to allow these two fools to continue to run this thing into the ground.

Why did boschwitz get fired? And why didnt the company address this with the employees? Shouldn't they tell the employees when an executive gets let go

Don't know why he's gone - incompetence? Or maybe he went back to school? -- i do know why the company doesn't communicate with its employees on such important matters -- it's because Pauluzzi has his head in the sand - always has - he doesn't want or feel the need to communicate with the employees and has no leadership skills - i find it amazing that the equity firm that owns PLUS has allowed him to run this company into the ground...

Why did boschwitz get fired? And why didnt the company address this with the employees? Shouldn't they tell the employees when an executive gets let go

Come on, anyone with more than six months of tenure at PLUS knows this is just how California Rolls. Bring someone in with the blaring or trumpets and paper accolades and when the fateful day comes, they left them go without a whisper, leaving the employees to speculate whether or not the mafia made them disappear. But everyone knows that people like Mr. PhD don't leave PLUS for Giants Stadium; the four clown circus ring masters just like to think that they can scare everyone into believing that their careers are on the brink of sleeping with the fish at their command. It is what one shall call, ah, how to place this in the correct frame, yes, the "Short Chromosome Syndrome."

Is Brodnik still on the board?

Yes - he's still on the "BOD" or rather sitting at the "19th hole" watching his protege (DP) destroy the company...Brodnick will go down the drain with the company and possibly to jail as a result of his indifference and failure to exercise his responsibility of corporate governance. What a mess!