new hospital turnover

True. And what's worse is, I'm running out of meaningful things to say during the day. Doctors just aren't THAT interested in this drug. Period. They use it in my territory sporadically, and I'm damn near begging them to reorder. Does upper management
have any idea what it's like for us out there??? We have inservices, the drug is
restricted, and they still can't use it. I have four other hospitals where the drug isn't even
on formulary, no review in sight. Damn. I wish I could have predicted what a dud this drug would be. I did not sign up for this...

No, they don't have any idea what it's like, nor do they care. If they did, they wouldn't be having useless call-ins with us where we have to listen to them make dumb comments about our accounts like how are doctors should be doing more for us or if the doctor sees 30 skin pts a week then he/she should start at least 10 of those pts on TF. It's the retail mentality that's killing us. I asked my DM what more would she like me to do to get DOTs and she had nothing to say! To me that means that they just want us to get the DOTs, but offer NO REAL GUIDANCE as to how to go about getting them.

Thank God I did not get a hospital position during the expansion. I was angry at first, but now am thankful. My hospital rep hates their life.

Be very thankful. This is by far the worst situation I've ever been in, and it's only
going to get worse. By the time holiday season rolls around, management is going
to be in full meltdown, and the majority of the original reps will be gone (if their lucky
enough to secure another position). Yeah the economy is bad...and who really wants to
look for a new job...but this is not living. We're just existing in a horribly toxic environment,
and we all deserve better.

Like someone mentioned on another thread regarding the Hospital division. DM's and Rep's who have an active speaker for Teflaro or accounts where off label is prevalent, is where the business is primarily coming from. If you don't question management and get your calls in and document everything you may be ok (the documentation is crazy right now). If you can't see enough clinicians - good luck. There are many territory's with zero business, even with rep's who have been there since the launch. Some unsuspecting rep's came in well after the launch and hospitals had already made strong determinations. Time for us to move on!

Like someone mentioned on another thread regarding the Hospital division. DM's and Rep's who have an active speaker for Teflaro or accounts where off label is prevalent, is where the business is primarily coming from. If you don't question management and get your calls in and document everything you may be ok (the documentation is crazy right now). If you can't see enough clinicians - good luck. There are many territory's with zero business, even with rep's who have been there since the launch. Some unsuspecting rep's came in well after the launch and hospitals had already made strong determinations. Time for us to move on!

I have never read so many people admitting how bad of a sales person they are in my life. Oh its soooo hard....I suck soooo bad....its Elaines fault, its Gerards fault that I suck as a salesperson. Forget the fact that Greg Fontenots team is profitable, I suck don't u get it....I suck!

I have never read so many people admitting how bad of a sales person they are in my life. Oh its soooo hard....I suck soooo bad....its Elaines fault, its Gerards fault that I suck as a salesperson. Forget the fact that Greg Fontenots team is profitable, I suck don't u get it....I suck!

You suck. You may find yourself in the same position one day

I have never read so many people admitting how bad of a sales person they are in my life. Oh its soooo hard....I suck soooo bad....its Elaines fault, its Gerards fault that I suck as a salesperson. Forget the fact that Greg Fontenots team is profitable, I suck don't u get it....I suck!

Oh yeah... send all those Fontenots people to NYC, Boston or LA and see how they do. PLEEEEZZ, you are in a small town with a handful of ID's (if that). You go to a major hospital in a big city and you are dealing with an ID group that covers just one hospital. Some hospitals have 20+ ID's where every infection that needs more than vanco gets an ID consult.

Don't compare apples and oranges! If you knew anything about how IV antibiotics pick up usage based on type of hospital and geographic area you would have a clue.

Oh yeah... send all those Fontenots people to NYC, Boston or LA and see how they do. PLEEEEZZ, you are in a small town with a handful of ID's (if that). You go to a major hospital in a big city and you are dealing with an ID group that covers just one hospital. Some hospitals have 20+ ID's where every infection that needs more than vanco gets an ID consult.

Don't compare apples and oranges! If you knew anything about how IV antibiotics pick up usage based on type of hospital and geographic area you would have a clue.

Thank you for this beat me to it! I get so upset when people start comparing territories. Let's bring all those "high performers" to NY or Boston so they can see what an antibiotic subcommittee REALLY looks like.

I have never read so many people admitting how bad of a sales person they are in my life. Oh its soooo hard....I suck soooo bad....its Elaines fault, its Gerards fault that I suck as a salesperson. Forget the fact that Greg Fontenots team is profitable, I suck don't u get it....I suck!


let's send all those stellar fontenot reps to cover mass general, stanford, mayo clinic, etc! i am sure they will blow out the numbers!


Why should people downgrade success? I assume it is because they don't have a clue how to obtain it so all they can do is blame their territory, management, the drug . . . When you have you looked in the mirror lately.

If you need Managment to hold your hand and tell you how to get business, go back to selling as a territory rep because it's your job to figure it out.

Some hospitals may be easier than some, but there is dots available in every territory. The #1 rep in the country barely has 1% on the market.

If you are saying you can obtain less than 1% of the market in your area then go find another job. I'll take the salary, bonus, company car, health insurance, etc.

Take it from me-not all territories are viable. I'm in Massachusetts and am now realizing why the gal got run out before me. We offer nothing in an area with no resistance. Plus we can see only a few and almost no ID's. I'm still going thru the motions until I get another job,since this one is done. No snide comments about how it can be done,in Mass it can't be done,just ask anyone in VT.These liberal states suk!!

Why should people downgrade success? I assume it is because they don't have a clue how to obtain it so all they can do is blame their territory, management, the drug . . . When you have you looked in the mirror lately.

If you need Managment to hold your hand and tell you how to get business, go back to selling as a territory rep because it's your job to figure it out.

Some hospitals may be easier than some, but there is dots available in every territory. The #1 rep in the country barely has 1% on the market.

If you are saying you can obtain less than 1% of the market in your area then go find another job. I'll take the salary, bonus, company car, health insurance, etc.

Man, Forest must be a magnet for loser and underachievers! That must be why there is so much turnover!!

No, there are issues deeper than that. Of course every territory there are DOTS to be had but that isn't what is driving the massive exodus from this sales force. DOT sales goals are in place and regardless of how your get them, you better damn well get them.

So easy as this poster puts to place the blame on the whiners and complainers instead of managment looking in the mirror and ask what responsibility they play in this. Culture filters down from the top. Continue to blame those "losers" reps and see the outflow continue!!!

Man, Forest must be a magnet for loser and underachievers! That must be why there is so much turnover!!

No, there are issues deeper than that. Of course every territory there are DOTS to be had but that isn't what is driving the massive exodus from this sales force. DOT sales goals are in place and regardless of how your get them, you better damn well get them.

So easy as this poster puts to place the blame on the whiners and complainers instead of managment looking in the mirror and ask what responsibility they play in this. Culture filters down from the top. Continue to blame those "losers" reps and see the outflow continue!!!

Thank you! GREAT reps have left, reps even in PC have left....that alone tells you something about how awful the culture is here