Wow, I just stumbled upon this site & am taken aback by these comments. If you have such a problem with your salary possibly you can take it up with your manager rather than spending your time pulling YOUR company's name through the mud on the Internet. OR motivate YOURSELF to find greener grass somewhere else & get off of Supernus's payroll. Whoever is writing these posts about people's salaries should find a big mirror and stand in front of it & ask themselves if they are really meant for sales or if they lucked out by landing this position & have no idea how to be successful in it. I have been a rep for almost 2 years with this company & love this company! I love my manager & his manager & most of my colleagues. I never dreamed such an awesome workplace could exist. I had a very small salary & high commission B2B sales job for 5 yrs prior to joining this team & saw many "sales people" come & go. Most of these comments wreak of people who want to be sales people but don't know how, so they turn to their employer & tear them down bc it is easier than looking in the mirror & stepping up to the plate. It's easier to sit on the phone & complain than to call your manager or a rep who is succeeding to figure out how your missing it.