New Hire Philly CRM

Great pick up! Best sales force in CRM, strongest clinical team + CL & AC now on board!!

JP is king of the Phila market. 30% growth is just the beginning. Sky's the limit.

Face it, SJM is now the team to beat in Philly!!!

You should go to Target, they have clues on sale for $9.99. You need to buy a ton of them if you believe this BS! Like the other poster said SJM = #laughingstock

You should go to Target, they have clues on sale for $9.99. You need to buy a ton of them if you believe this BS! Like the other poster said SJM = #laughingstock

That's a good one! Spoken like a true BSX rep...

I went to Target today and found those $9.99 clues on the shelf right next to your company's quad lead. Oh yeah, both of which don't exist!!

Here's a hash tag for you:


That's a good one! Spoken like a true BSX rep...

I went to Target today and found those $9.99 clues on the shelf right next to your company's quad lead. Oh yeah, both of which don't exist!!

Here's a hash tag for you:


BSX doesn't have a quad lead because the FDA was sick of recalls (Riata, Riata ST, etc). Lead was ready, but FDA asked for longer study and more patients. Can was ready, so we launched that.

BSX doesn't have a quad lead because the FDA was sick of recalls (Riata, Riata ST, etc). Lead was ready, but FDA asked for longer study and more patients. Can was ready, so we launched that.

Funny how the FDA quickly approved the optishit lead.......must have been tired of all the HV failures and inability to defibrillate. Nothing wrong with the design

Looks like AC got a new pair of shoes when he joined STJ! St. Jude is blessing his soles! AC, that is a hint to run away from this sham company as fast as you can!

This man was sent to deliver SJM and Phillips Apostles from Evil and that he will do. The light conquers all and you my friend would be smart to make your piece with The Lord JP. Amen

This man was sent to deliver SJM and Phillips Apostles from Evil and that he will do. The light conquers all and you my friend would be smart to make your piece with The Lord JP. Amen

I think we know who these verses apply to:

Jeremiah 23:16
"Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds..."

Daniel 11:34
When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them.

AC is a great guy and will deliver. When he was in power at AE he treated all vendors with respect and that is a legacy that should not be ignored. He will drop systems into accounts that are currently all Carto and do it with the poise and grace of a ballerina.

AC is a great guy and will deliver. When he was in power at AE he treated all vendors with respect and that is a legacy that should not be ignored. He will drop systems into accounts that are currently all Carto and do it with the poise and grace of a ballerina.

Haha. SJM will. Give away systems for free in order to fit in!