New Hire Benefits


I'm considering applying for the opening for the Madison, WI territory. I've been in Pharma in this territory before so am already aware of its challenges. I would love to get my resume directly in the hands of the Regional SM. Is anyone willing to provide that information for me?


Yeah, right - except Astellas' very high turn-over rate proves that you are wrong.

Just saying the turnover rate is high Astellas is nonsense. Which dept, area etc are you referring too? I bet you don't even have a figure? Your just bitter coz your on a plan and the people you interact with are heading that way too. Substantiate your claim?

Don't listen to the haters because they're not doing their job right. Haters have excuse after excuse for their lack of performance. This is a great place to work. Put the effort and work card and you get results.

Good luck

Effort & hard work will pay off... In Texas, Florida, North Carolina. Well over 80% of all awards go to these 3 states. But I'm sure the rest of the company are just haters.

Last time I ordered it was Escape, Cherokee, forester, Fusion? Minivan option is extra

Just accepted an offer last week. I was on contract and had to drive my own car, so I'm pumped to get the official word on car choices. I also heard Outback, focus, Cherokee sport. Any confirmation on the exact selections? How long does it take to get a fleet vehicle? Thanks!

Most pharma, you get a rental vehicle until your company car arrives. (apx. 3 months)

Pure curiosity..... When is your start date ? Are you being paid for Christmas Break.

What Salary were you hired ? $60,000 ish ?

Most pharma, you get a rental vehicle until your company car arrives. (apx. 3 months)

Pure curiosity..... When is your start date ? Are you being paid for Christmas Break.

What Salary were you hired ? $60,000 ish ?

Thanks for the reply! Yes 60ish. I will have holiday paid by my current employer as it's part of my two wk notice. Start date will be jan5th

How much pharma experience do you have?

obviously Ricky the Rookie has had very little experience clue on what an office day on Friday afternoons would be for? can't figure out how to ask his hiring DM about fleet vehicle information? runs to CP for every detail....he's a closed.