new harmonic generator works with enseal?

Make sure when you contact your rep, you ask them if Ethicon is launching a series of new Harmonics over the next year that will each have little changes that will stall the reprocessing companies! I can't trade in my 4 year old car for a new one without paying something. Do you really believe that Ethicon is upgrading boxes without a plan to make a lot of money by stopping reprocessing? Highlight this thread, I will come back in 9 months and reply "I told you so"!

2 widgets 1 box ..enseal was bougt to compete with gyrus in gyn, who owns what is left after robotic.
2 widgets 1 bx ...big deal... we still have to drive sales through Robotic Uro/ gyn cases
Whew thought we were helping patients...NOT . we are the reason health care costs are rising ... Tell me I'm wrong

Make sure when you contact your rep, you ask them if Ethicon is launching a series of new Harmonics over the next year that will each have little changes that will stall the reprocessing companies! I can't trade in my 4 year old car for a new one without paying something. Do you really believe that Ethicon is upgrading boxes without a plan to make a lot of money by stopping reprocessing? Highlight this thread, I will come back in 9 months and reply "I told you so"!

So if an OEM is launching a new product, should they reach out to the reprocessor to see if they can re-process it before they launch it? It is not the responsbility of an OEM to make sure that Ascent or Sterilmed can reprocess a device before it is launched. If the reprocessor can't figure out a new device, that's the reprocessor's problem.

I love how the reprocessors are blaming OEMs like EES for spreading fear in the industry but they're doing the same thing when they go back to their accounts screaming that this new generator won't work with reprocessed devices. Pot meet kettle...

2 widgets 1 box ..enseal was bougt to compete with gyrus in gyn, who owns what is left after robotic.
2 widgets 1 bx ...big deal... we still have to drive sales through Robotic Uro/ gyn cases
Whew thought we were helping patients...NOT . we are the reason health care costs are rising ... Tell me I'm wrong

Why doesn't Ethicon just position the use of the Enseal with all robotic GYN/URO cases to drive efficiency?