New GPS app could be used for tracking reps - similar to what process servers use


Pfizer is testing a new GPS app for compliance that could be used to track visits to physician offices and take some photos. This is similar to what process servers use to confirm they are really serving someone with court papers.

Here is a description:

The smartphone app allows the physician call to be documented with third parties as proof of making a call. When the physician call begins, the GPS location is recorded, along with a time stamp and the audio record starts.

When the sales rep completes the call, the information is sent to the database, checked by the home office personnel, then a confirmation is generated from the information in the database.

All the while, the record of progress can be accessible to district managers who can follow the record in real time.

This is possible because the smartphone app is combined with a robust and secure web server platform. The result is an web application that dramatically increases efficiency in the process, while it also reduces the chance of human error.


Pfizer is testing a new GPS app for compliance that could be used to track visits to physician offices and take some photos. This is similar to what process servers use to confirm they are really serving someone with court papers.

Here is a description:

The smartphone app allows the physician call to be documented with third parties as proof of making a call. When the physician call begins, the GPS location is recorded, along with a time stamp and the audio record starts.

When the sales rep completes the call, the information is sent to the database, checked by the home office personnel, then a confirmation is generated from the information in the database.

All the while, the record of progress can be accessible to district managers who can follow the record in real time.

This is possible because the smartphone app is combined with a robust and secure web server platform. The result is an web application that dramatically increases efficiency in the process, while it also reduces the chance of human error.

Why don't we just hire sales reps we can trust and who do their job???
Like it USED to be.
How pathetic

Pfizer is testing a new GPS app for compliance that could be used to track visits to physician offices and take some photos.

I call shenanigans - you can't take photos in a doctor's office (ever heard of HIPPA?). Furthermore, they already have GPS tracking capability via your blackberry or iPhone. If you give them a reason to suspect you're not working, they simply compare your reported icue calls to your actual whereabouts (location of your phone). It's free, it doesn't present any legal additional legal issues, and it will hold up in court if need be.

Just do your job for 40 hours a week and you've got nothing to worry about. If you are pulling the old Tues-Thurs 10-2, you'll be found out soon enough.

this is true minus the photos.. They can track you any time they want since it's company issued equipment... Like another already posted.. Just do your job and all is good.

OP is spouting BS. The problem for the field is that they are already tracking you via the phone. I know of several reps we got rid of from that info.

Exactly. Why would Pfizer pay for something they already have? Since it's a company contract phone, they merely request a log from the service provider and TA-DA!!! They know of your comings and goings for the month. They don't do this for everyone, just under performers (low call average, low iCue usage, chronically poor sales, underutilization of T&E, etc.) and problem children (late with T&E every month, missing deadlines for training/misc admin, missed conference calls, late to meetings, etc.). Just work an honest day, meet your deadlines, and show up on time. It's not that hard.

Or you can be a slacker, try to game the system, and hope you don't get caught. Not much of a way to go through life IMHO.

What a crappy company to treat employees this way. It went from being in Forbes Top 100 companies to work for, straight to the bottom of the charts.

This is SALES people. Sales people are productive when they are "ON" and unproductive with they are "OFF". If your having a bad day, your better off staying OUT of the Drs. Face. Some days are productive and some days just are not. If Pfizer chooses to spy on you, then you are working for the wrong company in sales.

Just for the hell of it, I always keep my blackberry in a sealed metal container a friend of mine gave me. He works for a defense contractor, and they manufacture storage devices that are radio silent and EM- magnetic resonant to help secure communications devices in the armed forces. I have the bluetooth activated and relay incoming calls to my car, bu there is no way for them to tell where I am. No one has said anything yet you realize that because we are permitted to use our company phones for personal use, any GPS tracking and monitoring has to be announced by the company to the employees. Meaning..Pfizer would have to either email or print in one of the many policies that they will use GPS tracking on their equipment.

Second, regarding this poster yahoo's "info" you think a cash strapped organization is going to pay home officer personnel money to go through 4,000 reps calls and GPS locations?
Get real!

OP is spouting BS. The problem for the field is that they are already tracking you via the phone. I know of several reps we got rid of from that info.

System is called PQA. It does watch all rep activity in terms of email, expenses, and speaker programs. There is no GPS data, text message data, or photos from phones coming back to Pfizer at all.

If you don't believe it, send a note to the ombudsman. The system is being run through an internal audit next month. Open kimono

Simple solution here.... Get a flip phone with no data... Never heard of anyone being fired for not having the latest technology... BTW what emails do we get on a daily basis that really require our attention?

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