
Unless you’re waiting on a large severance, it’s time to pack it up. If you hit goal, you will be punished with a higher goal and a lower future payout. If you believe the leaders about focusing on the 300% payout just know, if you can sell 300% over goal QoQ, write a book! Would be a NYT best seller!

Only ppl reaching 300% are people who have amazing coverage. Their success has little to do with sales ability. The rest of us who struggle for every script now get nothing. Might as well get 0 scripts since there is no incentive between than and 100.

Only ppl reaching 300% are people who have amazing coverage. Their success has little to do with sales ability. The rest of us who struggle for every script now get nothing. Might as well get 0 scripts since there is no incentive between than and 100.
Who out there is actually hitting 300%? And if so, doesn’t your goal go up 500% the next quarter?

Who out there is actually hitting 300%? And if so, doesn’t your goal go up 500% the next quarter?
This is a pay cut. If you don’t see it, you don’t understand how we’re paid. Only incentivizes those who hit goal but even those people goals will be adjusted so they are no longer hitting goal and getting paid less. More money for JS will all the increased goals and less for the workers. Classic AZ!

Horrible. We need to trust them that the goals will be set more accurately? They've been ridiculous for years. This program was developed to save AZ money.
Wrong. This program has been developed to lay off more people. If we don't meet the target we'll face disciplinary action based on performance. The management will never set the goals right. They've never got them right. SFO is a shitty department. Let's keep our bags packed guys...

All above are correct. As I was listening, I couldn't help but think to myself that the EBD and CBD's were trying way too hard to sell this. The CBD on the next call kept saying also that 90% was the goal for MRP. Unless that has changed, 90% to MRP is really the new base even though 80% is the bottom of the range. Very few people will remain above 100% MRP. Range within a few years will be 90-105% and the 105% will be rare.
So, as an example, if you are at 100% and MRP goes up by 4% in that year and you get a 2% increase, congrats, you are now below your existing MRP (IE: you just took a pay cut). This may go on for a few years until you are closer to 90%. All in the name of "equity". A bad experiment to use with sales people.

This is a pay cut. If you don’t see it, you don’t understand how we’re paid. Only incentivizes those who hit goal but even those people goals will be adjusted so they are no longer hitting goal and getting paid less. More money for JS will all the increased goals and less for the workers. Classic AZ!
Most of you should have your pay cut for not performing. Maybe just don’t suck at sales

All above are correct. As I was listening, I couldn't help but think to myself that the EBD and CBD's were trying way too hard to sell this. The CBD on the next call kept saying also that 90% was the goal for MRP. Unless that has changed, 90% to MRP is really the new base even though 80% is the bottom of the range. Very few people will remain above 100% MRP. Range within a few years will be 90-105% and the 105% will be rare.
So, as an example, if you are at 100% and MRP goes up by 4% in that year and you get a 2% increase, congrats, you are now below your existing MRP (IE: you just took a pay cut). This may go on for a few years until you are closer to 90%. All in the name of "equity". A bad experiment to use with sales people.
You’re all way to overpaid for what you do as is. Most of the field making below 80% goal attainment should be PIP’ed each year. Facts.

Love how this was rolled out after pulse. Another way for az to pay less. Kinda like tax hikes on middle class to fund billionaires. Stealing from sales people so that Joris and pascal line their pockets. 2 white males…so much for diversity. They’ll just jack up the goals and people won’t hit 100%

The silence on our call spoke volumes.

You’re all way to overpaid for what you do as is. Most of the field making below 80% goal attainment should be PIP’ed each year. Facts.
What you clearly don't understand is anyone can be 80% to goal if AZ wants them to be. The fact is, this is a shit hole to work at and most of the people here are collecting a free paycheck. I'll gladly be overpaid to drop off lunch and dump samples, jokes on anyone out here trying.

You’re all way to overpaid for what you do as is. Most of the field making below 80% goal attainment should be PIP’ed each year. Facts.
That would be fine if goals were accurate/realistic. Wonder if they will just use history for Airsupra next year (like Breztri) vs. the silly crap formula they use now?

Only ppl reaching 300% are people who have amazing coverage. Their success has little to do with sales ability. The rest of us who struggle for every script now get nothing. Might as well get 0 scripts since there is no incentive between than and 100.
What division is this new FSIP for? Who led the call?

The new FSIP sounds like, "It's a sales contest. First prize is a Cadillac, second prize is a set of steak knives, and third prize is you're fired!" The plan is right out of the Glengarry Glen Ross movie.

Doubt it. If you want to grow career levels, quit and join back in 6 months. Everyone in R&I is getting hired as executives. Most of them are old tenured reps who got laid off by Merck, BMS, Pfizer, etc. And leadership still wonders why the PSSs and Sr PSSs are leaving in a mass exodus. I agree with the above post, this signals layoffs approaching. Low performing territories will receive little to no bonus where people will self resign. Those who don't will probably be apart of a 50% headcount reduction end of 2025.

Doubt it. If you want to grow career levels, quit and join back in 6 months. Everyone in R&I is getting hired as executives. Most of them are old tenured reps who got laid off by Merck, BMS, Pfizer, etc. And leadership still wonders why the PSSs and Sr PSSs are leaving in a mass exodus. I agree with the above post, this signals layoffs approaching. Low performing territories will receive little to no bonus where people will self resign. Those who don't will probably be apart of a 50% headcount reduction end of 2025.
Did you mean start of 2025?

Go charge your EV.

Doubt it. If you want to grow career levels, quit and join back in 6 months. Everyone in R&I is getting hired as executives. Most of them are old tenured reps who got laid off by Merck, BMS, Pfizer, etc. And leadership still wonders why the PSSs and Sr PSSs are leaving in a mass exodus. I agree with the above post, this signals layoffs approaching. Low performing territories will receive little to no bonus where people will self resign. Those who don't will probably be apart of a 50% headcount reduction end of 2025.
The big problem w/ the revamped FSIP is how goals are determined. Lots and lots of assumptions, many of which are not accurate. Can force PSS's into an unwinnable situation. Low or no bonus and a HR dept penalizing long tenured reps that may be close to or at MRP so others can get to 90% of MRP will force at pay increase time a big exodus (as you mentioned) or reps that will embrace the "all day lie" like no one has yet seen.