New forum for J&J IT

  • cafead   Jul 10, 2008 at 10:46: PM
Sure, if they are obvious, we will move them over.

The person who made this suggestion was getting nervous about the information contained in the IT topics. This is their attempt to hide these threads from the JNJ community and concerned stockholders.


The person who made this suggestion was getting nervous about the information contained in the IT topics. This is their attempt to hide these threads from the JNJ community and concerned stockholders.


No, the person who made this suggestion - me, as it turns out - is very interested in seeing the message traffic over there increase. I was a sysop on a BBS "back in the day" and I know that a simple way to do it is to make sure that IT topics go to the IT board.

It's not like the IT message board is hidden from anyone, for pete's sake.

And I am a J&J IT employee - and a stockholder too, thankyouverymuch.

Natalie... is the worst.. she's targeted & pushed out 14 people to date.. how long will HR continue to turn their heads the other way....

So correct on that one. Vindictiveness is a character trait and one that long term will catch up to a person. There has been so many and it doesn't stop there either. She goes after suppliers, partners, resellers etc....What will it take for justice? I cant believe she get away with what she does.

Yeah, right!

The average IT workweek was upwards of 60 hours a week when I got laid off a few years ago. It's gotten much worse since then and I am so glad to not be a part of it.

I feel guilty.......

Janssen R&D IT Leadership Issue - Heiidi Nolte

Anyone out there run across Heidi Nolte at Boehringer or Janssen?

True that she is a coat tail rider of her boss Georgia Papathomas - who gave her the job - but as a CIO and a VP, there seems little that is neither Chief nor Vice Presidential at all. Uness we speak in terms of Chief Disrupter, that is!

In only 1 year on the job this woman has managed to alienate, piss off and usurp her peers and subs who stand in her way, disagree or do not meet her very silent expectations.

All while probably receiving a fat pay check and bonus and a personal driver for only showing up 3 days a week - if that - while in the midst of it all laying blame on longer tenured leaders for what she thinks does not work while taking credit from others for what does.

This sort of divisive leadesprship at JNJ is startling to see how it can go left un-corrected.

Before the retention issue for great people becomes a snowball, CIO Stuart McGuigan should review and take fast action.
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