New expense reporting

Literally monkeys can do a better job coming up with new processes. In the 3 years I’ve been here, this is the 4th change to ADS...remember Adobe? So after PAINFULLY finally over months and months having completed an ADS for each of my offices, these idiots say, “hey! We have a new ADS format for you that will be easier! So take all those ADS’s you FINALLY completed with first and last names, titles, etc, for each office, and....wait for it....toss them! We are making you start all over from scratch, because “no, in the year 2017, we weren’t able to come up with a new one that allowed you to transfer the data from one form to the other”. So by making us start completely over from scratch for and every staff member, they “made it easier for us”! Wow idiots! Great! And then we start the whole thing over via the vinsights format, and finally after months of doing a lunch in each office and creating a new ADS for each with every person at lunch, yes sometimes 30 profiles to enter per lunch, they....wait for it....say we are going to modify the ADS you have been doing and change the requirements for the title category to...yes, that’s right, make it easier for us! Oh, wait, and now that you have to go into each one and change the title of each person on ever form, don’t worry, we are no longer requiring you to enter each address for each person because you can just use the address at the header. Oh wait, what? You mean you guys already completed all the forms and addresses for each person so this new “gift” to you guys is too little too late? Oh, oops! Pure bad. Well it’s 2018 and THANK GOD we finally all completed ADS’s for each office and they won’t change it again. WHAT!!!! Year of the field and we are getting a new “easier” ADS again and have to start all over from scratch again! Are you #*%^ing kidding me!?!? Oh, you’re not? Please just bring in the monkeys

Literally monkeys can do a better job coming up with new processes. In the 3 years I’ve been here, this is the 4th change to ADS...remember Adobe? So after PAINFULLY finally over months and months having completed an ADS for each of my offices, these idiots say, “hey! We have a new ADS format for you that will be easier! So take all those ADS’s you FINALLY completed with first and last names, titles, etc, for each office, and....wait for it....toss them! We are making you start all over from scratch, because “no, in the year 2017, we weren’t able to come up with a new one that allowed you to transfer the data from one form to the other”. So by making us start completely over from scratch for and every staff member, they “made it easier for us”! Wow idiots! Great! And then we start the whole thing over via the vinsights format, and finally after months of doing a lunch in each office and creating a new ADS for each with every person at lunch, yes sometimes 30 profiles to enter per lunch, they....wait for it....say we are going to modify the ADS you have been doing and change the requirements for the title category to...yes, that’s right, make it easier for us! Oh, wait, and now that you have to go into each one and change the title of each person on ever form, don’t worry, we are no longer requiring you to enter each address for each person because you can just use the address at the header. Oh wait, what? You mean you guys already completed all the forms and addresses for each person so this new “gift” to you guys is too little too late? Oh, oops! Pure bad. Well it’s 2018 and THANK GOD we finally all completed ADS’s for each office and they won’t change it again. WHAT!!!! Year of the field and we are getting a new “easier” ADS again and have to start all over from scratch again! Are you #*%^ing kidding me!?!? Oh, you’re not? Please just bring in the monkeys

Follow the money w/ this new system. Some where out in NVS land there is a relative that was connected to the Company that SOLD NVS this crap.

Literally monkeys can do a better job coming up with new processes. In the 3 years I’ve been here, this is the 4th change to ADS...remember Adobe? So after PAINFULLY finally over months and months having completed an ADS for each of my offices, these idiots say, “hey! We have a new ADS format for you that will be easier! So take all those ADS’s you FINALLY completed with first and last names, titles, etc, for each office, and....wait for it....toss them! We are making you start all over from scratch, because “no, in the year 2017, we weren’t able to come up with a new one that allowed you to transfer the data from one form to the other”. So by making us start completely over from scratch for and every staff member, they “made it easier for us”! Wow idiots! Great! And then we start the whole thing over via the vinsights format, and finally after months of doing a lunch in each office and creating a new ADS for each with every person at lunch, yes sometimes 30 profiles to enter per lunch, they....wait for it....say we are going to modify the ADS you have been doing and change the requirements for the title category to...yes, that’s right, make it easier for us! Oh, wait, and now that you have to go into each one and change the title of each person on ever form, don’t worry, we are no longer requiring you to enter each address for each person because you can just use the address at the header. Oh wait, what? You mean you guys already completed all the forms and addresses for each person so this new “gift” to you guys is too little too late? Oh, oops! Pure bad. Well it’s 2018 and THANK GOD we finally all completed ADS’s for each office and they won’t change it again. WHAT!!!! Year of the field and we are getting a new “easier” ADS again and have to start all over from scratch again! Are you #*%^ing kidding me!?!? Oh, you’re not? Please just bring in the monkeys

So on the money with this quote!

I wish! I am PDI so I make about half what you guys do, yet we have to put up with same nonsense.

Here we go with PDI complaining about their pay. Why should Novartis and any other direct manufacturer Reps be blamed when you chose a company that takes a percentage of your pay to cover overheads such as admin and management? Novartis paid generously. Don't blame Novartis with what's happening in your house.

Here we go with PDI complaining about their pay. Why should Novartis and any other direct manufacturer Reps be blamed when you chose a company that takes a percentage of your pay to cover overheads such as admin and management? Novartis paid generously. Don't blame Novartis with what's happening in your house.
I am totally confident that the time will come when NVS considers you excess overhead. The first thing you will do is offer to take a pay cut to keep your job.

Here we go with PDI complaining about their pay. Why should Novartis and any other direct manufacturer Reps be blamed when you chose a company that takes a percentage of your pay to cover overheads such as admin and management? Novartis paid generously. Don't blame Novartis with what's happening in your house.

It will be a fun day when NVS has a lay off. And it will happen it’s just when. To watch these squirrels that have caused so much turmoil bite the dust might just be the best thing ever.

That's why you cancel all of your lunch in-services and coffee runs. If your manager asks you not to, kindly request he/she to do the expense report for you. Otherwise diplomatically tell them to pack it in their respective asses. This system may be the highest level of incompetence ever witnessed in the industry

The new Expense reporting system is a form of mental abuse. The asshole responsible for this initiative should be held accountable.
Pretty much sums it up and to think this is the year of the rep and we are supposed to be unbossed, the total opposite is true. If they could just leave us the hell alone give us the materials we need to sell they could be bringing in a lot more profit for their stockholders. This klusterfuk is costing them a pretty penny. having to hire all kinds of extra help and taking us away from selling time. My suggestion- just send us a pair of red shoes and let us do our dam jobs that we were trained in hired for.

Pretty much sums it up and to think this is the year of the rep and we are supposed to be unbossed, the total opposite is true. If they could just leave us the hell alone give us the materials we need to sell they could be bringing in a lot more profit for their stockholders. This klusterfuk is costing them a pretty penny. having to hire all kinds of extra help and taking us away from selling time. My suggestion- just send us a pair of red shoes and let us do our dam jobs that we were trained in hired for.


Here we go with PDI complaining about their pay. Why should Novartis and any other direct manufacturer Reps be blamed when you chose a company that takes a percentage of your pay to cover overheads such as admin and management? Novartis paid generously. Don't blame Novartis with what's happening in your house.

I retired from a long, lucrative career in pharma with a full pension. I took the PDI job because it gets very boring sitting at home after working your whole life and I find pharma fun. I only replied what I did about making half what Novartis does because after my thread of complaining of report process, someone responded with something around the effect of saying “you overpaid monkeys...just take the 6-figure salary we pay you and do your job and stop whining about the processes we put out for you...that is paraphrasing, but it’s much like verbiage I innocently just corrected the person to let them know not everyone making 6 figures..our choice, not complaining just responding to abhorandt response from that person....then that quote was quickly deleted! Which is why you don’t see it before my comment of “i wish....”. Coward realized it was obvious it was someone from corporate that responded to me. What a jerk who has probably never walked in our shoes. Don’t they know their jobs aren’t needed and don’t mean anything? The most valuable people to company are sales people!