New Executive Digs

My obsessive compulsions and personal issues stopped me from touching sales people. I couldn’t manage it. I couldn’t connect with reps emotionally. I was afraid, which made me angry, paranoid and isolated. However, I am now getting help and money is no problem since I make over $15 million per year. Marky the T

Did I tell you I made 14 million a year for last few years for losing 12 billion in market cap. And I’m guaranteed another 28 million after I’m let go. Good luck paying your mortgage and no health insurance. I have no class, no morals and no sole but I need you to stay longer until I’m ready to destroy you. We are righting the ship. Trust me. Good things on the horizon and you will be fired very soon. Just hope we lay you off and you aren’t kept until the bankruptcy and no severance.

Did I tell you I made 14 million a year for last few years for losing 12 billion in market cap. And I’m guaranteed another 28 million after I’m let go. Good luck paying your mortgage and no health insurance. I have no class, no morals and no sole but I need you to stay longer until I’m ready to destroy you. We are righting the ship. Trust me. Good things on the horizon and you will be fired very soon. Just hope we lay you off and you aren’t kept until the bankruptcy and no severance.
You have soles. They are in your shoes. You definitely have no SOUL. That’s inside. You are as phony as the day is long scumbag MT. I hope you rot in prison

tool pics yesterday of the ridiculous new digs of the scum. Yes. I call them scum. They are far from executives. They need to be kicked out and replaced. They raped this place. I will get the pics out there some how.