Yes there are 2 Federal Lawsuits
Out of middle district in Tampa Florida
case numbers or it isn’t true
Yes there are 2 Federal Lawsuits
Out of middle district in Tampa Florida
case numbers or it isn’t true
Yes there are 2 Federal Lawsuits
Out of middle district in Tampa Florida
Show us the lawsuits.
The entire New England BIO market crashed years ago when the entire team SF hired left the company. No way CP from nyc will be able to steer this ship straight. So sad...
Why did SF leave Bio?
why do you doubt CP?
I doubt her because she’s not a leader.
She is no leader, and not well respected or liked by her teamThe entire New England BIO market crashed years ago when the entire team SF hired left the company. No way CP from nyc will be able to steer this ship straight. So sad...
She is no leader, and not well respected or even liked by her teamShe is turning around NE
She is an incredibly manipulative individual. Her team does not know her yet. It will become evident sooner rather than later
Such trolls and losers posting on this site…badmouthing someone who’s been way more successful than they’ll ever be. I’ve worked with her and all this couldn’t be further from the truth. Pretty clear it’s 1 or 2 jealous losers who want to trash her reputation. Except no one cares about anonymous posts – the results speak for themselves. And the culture was damaged long ago by all the corruption and doj investigations in the west. But nice try, trying to pin it on someone who’s actually been successful at Bio.