New Disease State

What is “bs” about my statement? Please tell me? SEG ended because it got on zero formularies. That’s true.

drug launches that are successful are a dime a dozen these days. That’s true too.
I’m not saying it was a block buster, but it was covered on some Cadillac plans. It was dumb to think it would get wide acceptance, but idk if that was ever the goal.

I’m not saying it was a block buster, but it was covered on some Cadillac plans. It was dumb to think it would get wide acceptance, but idk if that was ever the goal.

It got on zero major manage care plans / formularies. If order to produce revenue and sales your drug MUST be covered on manage care plans / formularies. The company can’t pay for the drug forever. I know more about this than the upper management down in Montgomery. They aren’t the brightest. Nice group though!

It got on zero major manage care plans / formularies. If order to produce revenue and sales your drug MUST be covered on manage care plans / formularies. The company can’t pay for the drug forever. I know more about this than the upper management down in Montgomery. They aren’t the brightest. Nice group though!
Obviously you didn’t read all the reports. I’m surprised by that since you know so much. There were insurance reimbursements. They weren’t common, but they did exist.

Tell us the company
There is no company. Empty promises for years now. Upper management didn’t have anything lined up for Livalo going generic back last November. The other one drug in the pipeline failed years ago. SEG launch failed. Upper management is just buying time. I’m surprised Kowa Japan is still paying the reps to do lead sales training for 4+ months now…

There is no company. Empty promises for years now. Upper management didn’t have anything lined up for Livalo going generic back last November. The other one drug in the pipeline failed years ago. SEG launch failed. Upper management is just buying time. I’m surprised Kowa Japan is still paying the reps to do lead sales training for 4+ months now…
You’re quite obviously a spurned ex employee who has zero idea of what is happening. Please seek help!

You’re quite obviously a spurned ex employee who has zero idea of what is happening. Please seek help!
Hi, current employee here. I am with whoever the ex employee is. The people who need help are you and the leadership team for one failed attempt at a launch after another. No psoriasis medication is going to treat your delusion.

Are you lazy or just dumb, go to the FDA website and look up what drug has a PDUFA date established for July 7th, 2024.
You sound like a disgruntled DM. This new arctic drug is silly. JM gives all these silly names like Omaha or Arctic to lead the whats left sales force. Even if the July 7th date is true. I’ll see it when I see it. The FDA could turn it down if you were smart enough to know that happens too. Nothing is set in stone.