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New Disease State

Is JM still leading on the remaining reps with another potential drug candidate? Like “ Omaha “ or “ Arctic “. The remaining reps should wake up by now. The leadership doesn’t have the tools or manpower for another launch or co-promote.

They secured a co-promote in an exciting disease state, will be great for the resume!
Training starts next week

just curious as to how many business development projects you have worked and then what you could share about your successes?

JM and the upper management is not experience enough to handle another drug launch. Pharmaceuticals has changed since Livalo. They do not have enough man power to launch another drug.

JM and the upper management is not experience enough to handle another drug launch. Pharmaceuticals has changed since Livalo. They do not have enough man power to launch another drug.
That does not answer the question about your experience launching products to be able to judge. You’re just another bitter person who was managed out.

That does not answer the question about your experience launching products to be able to judge. You’re just another bitter person who was managed out.

and not to mention how many times this troll has repeated this same line of thought. You may believe it to be your truth, but after about 25 times repeating it, one must think the horse is dead and beyond recognition.

That does not answer the question about your experience launching products to be able to judge. You’re just another bitter person who was managed out.

No one was managed out. They left or were forced out if they didn’t have SEG TRXs. Now KPA has no product. They have been searching for almost 2 years now. My point was it’s not easy to launch a drug look at SEG. Manage care and for formulary coverage is incredibly difficult. Look how SEG was ended due to that reason! Kowa marketing and managed care team is nonexistent and it shows. Launching another product there is no confidence. They put the reps through 2 years of hell and paid them the lowest in the industry then ended everything because they do NOT have the man power to get on formularies which is how a medication is paid and reimburse. JM and the upper management need to learn that. Instead of saying “it works”.

No one was managed out. They left or were forced out if they didn’t have SEG TRXs. Now KPA has no product. They have been searching for almost 2 years now. My point was it’s not easy to launch a drug look at SEG. Manage care and for formulary coverage is incredibly difficult. Look how SEG was ended due to that reason! Kowa marketing and managed care team is nonexistent and it shows. Launching another product there is no confidence. They put the reps through 2 years of hell and paid them the lowest in the industry then ended everything because they do NOT have the man power to get on formularies which is how a medication is paid and reimburse. JM and the upper management need to learn that. Instead of saying “it works”.

You make valid points.

No one was managed out. They left or were forced out if they didn’t have SEG TRXs. Now KPA has no product. They have been searching for almost 2 years now. My point was it’s not easy to launch a drug look at SEG. Manage care and for formulary coverage is incredibly difficult. Look how SEG was ended due to that reason! Kowa marketing and managed care team is nonexistent and it shows. Launching another product there is no confidence. They put the reps through 2 years of hell and paid them the lowest in the industry then ended everything because they do NOT have the man power to get on formularies which is how a medication is paid and reimburse. JM and the upper management need to learn that. Instead of saying “it works”.

Forced out and managed out are two sides of the same coin. Why split hairs? As far as SEG goes, that drug was never going to get on formularies. What other drug do you know that is a combination of two ancient drugs that is reimbursed by insurance at an expensive rate with nothing special about it?
Maybe on premium insurance it gets reimbursed but not even on plans such as our Blue Cross Blue Shield could they have hoped for reimbursement. Even the reps knew this. I am not sure why anybody would think it would be different. If Livalo was being launched again tomorrow, and there were still a few other branded statins hanging around, you better believe it would be on formularies. That is a completely different situation. Whatever our new product is, somebody else’s managed care team has taken care of the formularies. You don’t need to cry about it over and over, for the love of God.

Forced out and managed out are two sides of the same coin. Why split hairs? As far as SEG goes, that drug was never going to get on formularies. What other drug do you know that is a combination of two ancient drugs that is reimbursed by insurance at an expensive rate with nothing special about it?
Maybe on premium insurance it gets reimbursed but not even on plans such as our Blue Cross Blue Shield could they have hoped for reimbursement. Even the reps knew this. I am not sure why anybody would think it would be different. If Livalo was being launched again tomorrow, and there were still a few other branded statins hanging around, you better believe it would be on formularies. That is a completely different situation. Whatever our new product is, somebody else’s managed care team has taken care of the formularies. You don’t need to cry about it over and over, for the love of God.

okay Mr. Know it all. “If Livalo was being launched again tomorrow”. Well news flash it’s not and news flash KPA still doesn’t have a product to sell just empty promises. JM still hasn’t secured anything 4 months out of the field. Is Japan just going to pay reps not to sell anything forever?

They have something coming but there is a PDUFA date established for July 7th, 2024 for the new indication

You have confidence in the upper management? For another drug launch. Successful drug launches are rare these days. SEG was ended because at the end of the day managed care did not want to put it on formulary. Not a single one.