Very easy to replace a rep with a warm body. It is extremely difficult and extremely expensive to try to replace the relationships a rep has with an office. Upper management should think about that before trying to replace a rep with a warm body. Its just common sense to keep your current employees happy and a hell of a lot cheaper than churning through bodies.

Relationships with an office. If you did not bring chow and snacks, would they care? No, they would not.

Shovel that shit somewhere else? it

You mean you don’t like feeding the office cows, who haven’t the brains to say thank you or bitch about the food!? We are all insignificant. The entire company is insignificant. Insurance companies and formularies run pharma, and rightly so. Marketing and sales are a joke because we add nothing to the medical community except lunch and samples, in that order. Time to face reality. R&D is all that truly counts, and here, it’s inept and unproductive.
The company is an inverted pyramid, bloated at the middle like a barrel.......filled with idiots being payed to do what...?? Baby sit, come up with more busy work, useless reports about data that doesn’t change or mean a damn thing, dream of when they become VP’s, kiss ass, and project the arrogant, my crap doesn’t stink aura that we all despise.
We’re in the toilet folks, and just waiting to be flushed into oblivion.

You mean you don’t like feeding the office cows, who haven’t the brains to say thank you or bitch about the food!? We are all insignificant. The entire company is insignificant. Insurance companies and formularies run pharma, and rightly so. Marketing and sales are a joke because we add nothing to the medical community except lunch and samples, in that order. Time to face reality. R&D is all that truly counts, and here, it’s inept and unproductive.
The company is an inverted pyramid, bloated at the middle like a barrel.......filled with idiots being payed to do what...?? Baby sit, come up with more busy work, useless reports about data that doesn’t change or mean a damn thing, dream of when they become VP’s, kiss ass, and project the arrogant, my crap doesn’t stink aura that we all despise.
We’re in the toilet folks, and just waiting to be flushed into oblivion.

And we are all making great money...and with the tax cuts we will be making even more.

My advice just do what you are told and ride this money train till it ends!

that's typical big pharma drug rep talk-lunches/samples/not working--selling in a crowded biologic space is a different game--offices actually need us, want us and like us in the office-sample dropping big pharma reps-not so much

You mean you don’t like feeding the office cows, who haven’t the brains to say thank you or bitch about the food!? We are all insignificant. The entire company is insignificant. Insurance companies and formularies run pharma, and rightly so. Marketing and sales are a joke because we add nothing to the medical community except lunch and samples, in that order. Time to face reality. R&D is all that truly counts, and here, it’s inept and unproductive.
The company is an inverted pyramid, bloated at the middle like a barrel.......filled with idiots being payed to do what...?? Baby sit, come up with more busy work, useless reports about data that doesn’t change or mean a damn thing, dream of when they become VP’s, kiss ass, and project the arrogant, my crap doesn’t stink aura that we all despise.
We’re in the toilet folks, and just waiting to be flushed into oblivion.

And we are all making great money...and with the tax cuts we will be making even more.

My advice just do what you are told and ride this money train till it ends!

Bet your bippie on it. I’ be ridden this company for 17 years, and will continue to do so until the gravy train ends. Six figures,car, expense acct., health insurance and only a part time job. Sweet deal!
and don’t for one minute think that the majority of people from the top to the bottom aren’t doing the same. Pharma jobs are the haven for the smart and lazy. Proof is that millennial are clamoring to get in.

that's typical big pharma drug rep talk-lunches/samples/not working--selling in a crowded biologic space is a different game--offices actually need us, want us and like us in the office-sample dropping big pharma reps-not so much

No offices don’t need you. They almost all use SPs that handle the entire approval process as well as tie patients to all your programs. Samples...just like the big pharma pill pushers- some offices don’t even take anymore. If the product was buy and bill and our company was smaller with less internal support...then maybe.

Enjoy the gig while it lasts. You are way over paid for what you (we) do. That is fact.

You have the best efficacy product, the newest mechanism and the best safety profile. Next year best national formulary access. Leave you stupid me you are all easily replaceable.

Perfectly said and the reason why this company sucks, people like you. Yes dick smoker everyone is replaceable in any job, that’s common sense, but this company has a shit attitude toward its reps and flaunts it every day with the I got ya culture, and yes I am a top performing rep, but the micro manage shit on you culture here is nothing short of disgusting, you can keep your job here with the rest of the idiots who have not one shred of individuality or people management skills, just a bunch of mindless drones who would make the heavens gate crew look like the Salvation Army, sad people, sad company....see me.....leave...and take my talent to a better company...enjoy your swagger and you can take it to the unemployenent line when you find out in two years just how wonderful this company is

Perfectly said and the reason why this company sucks, people like you. Yes dick smoker everyone is replaceable in any job, that’s common sense, but this company has a shit attitude toward its reps and flaunts it every day with the I got ya culture, and yes I am a top performing rep, but the micro manage shit on you culture here is nothing short of disgusting, you can keep your job here with the rest of the idiots who have not one shred of individuality or people management skills, just a bunch of mindless drones who would make the heavens gate crew look like the Salvation Army, sad people, sad company....see me.....leave...and take my talent to a better company...enjoy your swagger and you can take it to the unemployenent line when you find out in two years just how wonderful this company is

Hopefully I do get laid off in about 2 years...after I collect the stock grant and a severance check. Then I'll go and take your job because you will still be bitching and moaning about why you can't SELL there too. In the meantime I sell what is in front of me and get it done. And historically I've done it better than everyone else I'm ranked against.

Hopefully I do get laid off in about 2 years...after I collect the stock grant and a severance check. Then I'll go and take your job because you will still be bitching and moaning about why you can't SELL there too. In the meantime I sell what is in front of me and get it done. And historically I've done it better than everyone else I'm ranked against.

And you have favorable formulary status on all plans. You don’t “sell” shit.
You’re probably ranked against rookies or airheads.
Whatever the reason, it’s not you, because you are an a-hole

And you have favorable formulary status on all plans. You don’t “sell” shit.
You’re probably ranked against rookies or airheads.
Whatever the reason, it’s not you, because you are an a-hole

In this market formulary is only one piece of the puzzle and a small one at that. You would know this if you knew how to sell. So have fun at your next company loser and we will continue to grow market share (and the market) while we eat your lunch!

you sound like a typical kool aid drinking DM-market share will grow,albeit at a lower rate than the company thinks-they probably didn't factor new competition- if you had common sense-which most DM's lack- you'd realize that the goals are the issue- most reps will not make plan--its a slap in the face-that is why people will leave

In this market formulary is only one piece of the puzzle and a small one at that. You would know this if you knew how to sell. So have fun at your next company loser and we will continue to grow market share (and the market) while we eat your lunch!

Hahahahahaha! I always like to hear bullshitters like you spouting off how wonderful they are.
I’ve been with this company a long time and have seen jerks like you come and go. I’m sure I’ll be here long after you’re gone.

you sound like a typical kool aid drinking DM-market share will grow,albeit at a lower rate than the company thinks-they probably didn't factor new competition- if you had common sense-which most DM's lack- you'd realize that the goals are the issue- most reps will not make plan--its a slap in the face-that is why people will leave

It’s you who doesn’t understand. Good reps will make goal....good reps always find a way. Lots of bad reps in this division making excuses.

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