New company policy

Is it really? You know they changed the definition for these
They don’t prevent transmission - like every other vaccine ever. They lessen severity, maybe
Check the hospitalization ratios in Europe. More have than have not

I just had an offer revoked because I'm not vaccinated. The short-sighted nature of their policy is illegal in states that have made mandates by private employers illegal state-wide. They are just turning their shoulder to ignore laws on the books and giving people NO alternative options to test weekly or submit a religious exemption. It's really a shame given the vaccines ONLY protect those who take them (and don't last very long on top of it) and offer zero protection to those around them thus this whole "do it for the country as a whole" is total hogwash. I look forward to people stepping up and suing companies like Teva who are not following local laws and are discriminating against a pretty hefty percentage of the workforce over something that likely won't even be an in issue in months to come. I'd sure love to be an attorney right about now...

I just had an offer revoked because I'm not vaccinated. The short-sighted nature of their policy is illegal in states that have made mandates by private employers illegal state-wide. They are just turning their shoulder to ignore laws on the books and giving people NO alternative options to test weekly or submit a religious exemption. It's really a shame given the vaccines ONLY protect those who take them (and don't last very long on top of it) and offer zero protection to those around them thus this whole "do it for the country as a whole" is total hogwash. I look forward to people stepping up and suing companies like Teva who are not following local laws and are discriminating against a pretty hefty percentage of the workforce over something that likely won't even be an in issue in months to come. I'd sure love to be an attorney right about now...

"won't be in issue in months to come" ???? What the hell are you talking about with a statement like that. How do you know what the future holds? All indications are pointing to this pandemic being around for a long time.
And by the way, Teva is currently working on weekly testing and other exemptions for "current employees" right now.. You're not a current employee so yes, you can be held to a different standard on conditions of pre-employment or qualifications. And great point about hoping people start stepping up to sue companies like Teva, as if we need more lawyers out there trying to suck off the Pharma tit. Teva is a publicly traded corporation with over 20,000 employees that doesn't need to follow individual guidelines of your local and state mandates. Good luck in your future interviewing process with other Pharma companies. I'm sure you will get the same information from them. Shame on you for posting this here just to stir the pot!!!

Lighten up dummy. Get the shot. I think it's nobody's business but at this point I like getting paid. So I got it. Nothing happened. It's never perfect but if you are choosing this hill to die on I hope you socked away a lot of coin. You'll need it.
Lol! You'll need coin to cover your medical bills from unknown injection-related issues - and that's if you survive.

I'm sorry to hear that. Don't let the narrative driven responses get to you. They may actually wake up one day and see the truth. I think you are right and soon it won't matter. Hang in there and good luck.

"won't be in issue in months to come" ???? What the hell are you talking about with a statement like that. How do you know what the future holds? All indications are pointing to this pandemic being around for a long time.
And by the way, Teva is currently working on weekly testing and other exemptions for "current employees" right now.. You're not a current employee so yes, you can be held to a different standard on conditions of pre-employment or qualifications. And great point about hoping people start stepping up to sue companies like Teva, as if we need more lawyers out there trying to suck off the Pharma tit. Teva is a publicly traded corporation with over 20,000 employees that doesn't need to follow individual guidelines of your local and state mandates. Good luck in your future interviewing process with other Pharma companies. I'm sure you will get the same information from them. Shame on you for posting this here just to stir the pot!!!

Why doesn't this alarm you? Why is stating factual information stirring the pot? Why do you care if I'm unvaccinated when my status has zero impact on you or others? Why aren't you concerned by the fact your employer is knowingly breaking laws by NOT offering alternatives for those that have a genuine reason not to get the vaccine? You must watch a lot of fear-mongering behavior on CNN every evening. You don't find it at all odd that if someone has a medical reason why they can't get vaccinated they can't work for Teva? Teva isn't going to pick up the liability if they get the vaccine and have an AE yet Teva is forcing them to get it as an ultimatum for employment. Pretty messed up times we are living through. Best of luck to you at Teva; I'll hold the line and find a different employer to work for as about 90% of the company postings I see for jobs in this industry offer weekly testing and/or medical and religious exemptions to be submitted. Teva is only the second company I've found to have such a strict and senseless approach. I know for a fact you've already lost a lot of talented employees over it so it's Teva that loses more than me.

Remember, TEVA is an Israeli company. We were told “ we’re saving Isreael for last”.
Hold the line patriot. I stand shoulder to shoulder with you. Nothing can stop what is coming!

Not clear on what you are getting at with your post. It can mean several things based on how vague it is.

Not sure either.. But Israel is the perfect example of why vaccines didn't work, continue not to work, and actually increase your odds of getting these variants the more you get boosted. Kinda ironic.

Not being vague on purpose. You either know what I’m talking about or you don’t.

So multiple people in a group chat have no idea what you are talking about. Which means since you could not clarify you are probably just making stuff up while having a conversation with yourself. You are probably the "blow everyone" guy.

So multiple people in a group chat have no idea what you are talking about. Which means since you could not clarify you are probably just making stuff up while having a conversation with yourself. You are probably the "blow everyone" guy.

Too stupid to be the "blow everyone" guy.

However, Teva does blow and so do you!

Just curious how many where “let go” from not accepting the religious exemption or medical? I’m working on class-action…

Bwhahahahahahahahahahahah...and this is why I come to this site. "I'm working on class action", bwahahahahahahaha, shouldn't you be calling Panera with your lunch order for tomorrow?

Thanks for the good laugh, you keep on working on that class action...

China is locked down again because of Covid. With the idiot Joe Biden as President, and how he handled? Delta and Omnicron, we will surely be in the midst of a Biden driven shit show in a few weeks.