New communication

Same here. I have been checking both my personal email and my OnCall email, and have received nothing about Monday. It would sure be nice to know when this conf. call was scheduled. I have also emailed Michael about this, but have yet to hear back.

I emailed Michael yesterday, hoping to get a reply today. I haven't received any info in either my On Call or personal email.

Could someone that has the conf call info post the times/numbers?
This whole thing is getting to be kind of stupid. Common courtesy to keep new employees updated on what is going on. You said there would be Friday communication, and nothing, not even an update to let us know what is going on. Here is hoping this thing is short term as possible.
Yeah, you have to obtain nearly 100% of assigned signature calls.

Not NEARLY 100% - your goal is 100%. They will be pushing you for 100%. Remember, you get paid per signature, so if you don't get one, you don't get paid. It is to your advantage to try and reach 100%. I have been on one of the contracts for the last 4 months and they push for 100%. You can reach 100% if you plan properly. The very 1st month I went out into the field, my manager wanted 100%. At first, it sounded a little ridiculous, but it was accomplished. So, how can you achieve that your first month out? As soon as you get the list of offices from your DM, call the offices and get their days & hours. That will eliminate missing any offices that is in your control. If someone moved or doesn't exist or whatever, let your manager know so that is not held against you for not reaching 100%. Those type of things are out of your control. They will put pressure on you right from the start to reach 100% of your targets. So do whatever you can to preplan right from the start, so that you can take some of that pressure off you. PRE-PLANNING WILL HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL OF 100%. I have enjoyed the contract I am on very much and a lot has to do with preplanning. It takes away all the unnecessary downtime, and allows for things that may not be under your control - like looking for a parking space if you are in a big city or traffic on the highway or waiting a long while in a doctors office. There are a lot of ways that you can preplan before you hit the field each week. It does make life easier. Good luck to all. Go out there and do it because it is a lot of FUN!
Finally received the email for my region on the conf. call tomorrow. I think they initially sent out some emails, but decided to make changes, so they held off on any more emails until now.
Not NEARLY 100% - your goal is 100%. They will be pushing you for 100%. Remember, you get paid per signature, so if you don't get one, you don't get paid. It is to your advantage to try and reach 100%. I have been on one of the contracts for the last 4 months and they push for 100%. You can reach 100% if you plan properly. The very 1st month I went out into the field, my manager wanted 100%. At first, it sounded a little ridiculous, but it was accomplished. So, how can you achieve that your first month out? As soon as you get the list of offices from your DM, call the offices and get their days & hours. That will eliminate missing any offices that is in your control. If someone moved or doesn't exist or whatever, let your manager know so that is not held against you for not reaching 100%. Those type of things are out of your control. They will put pressure on you right from the start to reach 100% of your targets. So do whatever you can to preplan right from the start, so that you can take some of that pressure off you. PRE-PLANNING WILL HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL OF 100%. I have enjoyed the contract I am on very much and a lot has to do with preplanning. It takes away all the unnecessary downtime, and allows for things that may not be under your control - like looking for a parking space if you are in a big city or traffic on the highway or waiting a long while in a doctors office. There are a lot of ways that you can preplan before you hit the field each week. It does make life easier. Good luck to all. Go out there and do it because it is a lot of FUN!

was told i have a monthly salary! bonus paid on 100% of sig calls!
Re: Signatures. My big looming question remains regarding targets/signatures. So many of the major OB/GYNS don't sign anymore and have ARNP's and PA-C's sign for them. If the requirement is signatures from targets only and not other providers in office, I don't think its realistic and don't want to set myself up for that frustration. Guess we'll have to hear more details on the CC.
Open a lesson then close it. Then you have the option to set up an account and password. That's how I did it at least, seemed to work.

Now, about how we get paid. This whole thing has been shady as heck.
Open a lesson then close it. Then you have the option to set up an account and password. That's how I did it at least, seemed to work.

Now, about how we get paid. This whole thing has been shady as heck.

Yeah, I saw a place to set up an account, but it looked like you had to pay for it. Did you have to pay anything to set it up?
Re: Signatures. My big looming question remains regarding targets/signatures. So many of the major OB/GYNS don't sign anymore and have ARNP's and PA-C's sign for them. If the requirement is signatures from targets only and not other providers in office, I don't think its realistic and don't want to set myself up for that frustration. Guess we'll have to hear more details on the CC.

You will be able to get a signature from any provider in the office including PA's, NP's. It will be based on getting a signature from someone in the office. All you will need is one person to sign. It will be based on how many offices you reach rather than individuals. So you will always just need one signature from one the HCP's in the office. You get paid per one signature per office. So if you have a 100 offices, you will need single signatures from these offices.