New Co-op marketing Pico with Ortho division


Is anyone else a little concerned by this newly launched co-op program? I am worried that if success happens with this program that Pico will be taken from my Biologics wound care product line.
I have a bad feeling about this program. Could this be the first of many steps to break up wound care products and place into other divisions?
We could be extinct soon.

If you sold all the Ortho accounts in you territory you would have nothing to worry about. If they have success with it that means there were opportunities that you couldn't or didn't capitalize on. If Ortho starts using in accounts in your area it only helps spread the word.

This is at least the 5th time that the wound team has tried to partner with ortho to "co-op" selling a product together and it has failed miserably every time. A whole new group of leaders will now micro manage rep activities on "team" selling....and no revenue will follow. Then these leaders will leave and a new group will try it again in the future.

This is at least the 5th time that the wound team has tried to partner with ortho to "co-op" selling a product together and it has failed miserably every time. A whole new group of leaders will now micro manage rep activities on "team" selling....and no revenue will follow. Then these leaders will leave and a new group will try it again in the future.

Spot on. Every single new regime of Bozo's, Geeks, Mental Midgets (aka top mngmt) try to fit the product into Ortho. It is amazing he these idiots keep trying to fit something that ain't gonna fit.

This is a tremendous opportunity to drive PICO market share while offering a simple and effective NWP therapy to meet the needs of the clinicians. Partnering with counterparts across multiple divisions strengthens Smith and Nephews place in a competitive space. This is a way to offer value to the customer and protect the implanted hardware against infection.

This is a tremendous opportunity to drive PICO market share while offering a simple and effective NWP therapy to meet the needs of the clinicians. Partnering with counterparts across multiple divisions strengthens Smith and Nephews place in a competitive space. This is a way to offer value to the customer and protect the implanted hardware against infection.

Howdy Brad. you nervously twist your ring while typing responses on Cafe Pharma or only when on stage and off-script?

Full line Ortho here. If you expect me to use my relationships for the rep that's gonna ask for help I will laugh at him. I don't care if it says SN on his name tag or not. I'll do it for Full Pico commision, only if SN still wants to pay him to do all the work up to them. Try making products on back order we need for Cases before you ask us to carry your BS also.

Full ortho rep you are missing the point of the collaboration initiative. You get paid a commission to simply offer a technology to your physicians that your competitors cannot while protecting the hardware that you are selling. Who wouldn't want that.

Full ortho rep you are missing the point of the collaboration initiative. You get paid a commission to simply offer a technology to your physicians that your competitors cannot while protecting the hardware that you are selling. Who wouldn't want that.

So who is left cleaning up all the BS when the Pico rep steps on the toes of the doc the ortho rep leveraged a relationship with? Why risk credibility to help push a product another sales force can't or won't.

What part are you missing. You are obviously just a troll. Because you are paid full commissions. You are paid for the doc slapping on the product while the wound rep does all the background work

It makes sense, the co-op part just needs to be removed. PICO is a good product, needs to go to reps who can sell and aren't little bitch prima donnas. The Oasis reps can't handle any change in bag mix or selling an actual device. Go ahead and give PICO to Ortho, Oasis to device. Layoff for current Oasis failures.

1. I haven't seen anything about this program except on this message board.
2. I don't need the help of a wound rep on my case.
3. We were going to do this very same thing with the silver dressing and it died before we even got to make any money off of it.
4. $18 a case gets $18 of work. No more, no less.
5. Smith and nephew completely over estimate the value of this for primary total joints. It's a difficult value proposition.
6. This useless division can rob our profits, but they're not going to rob my time.