Come on folks - we have been silent for over a year since the last post. What exactly has Smoley and his "dream team" delivered?

Bennett and his former BT cronies seem to just have their happy ears on and are doing more business with the same old suspects, oh and are setting up a centre in India to insource.. what part of that model feels like insourcing? Half the team are totally impotent and the other half have family connections working for HCL........... Go figure how that is an industry proven model????

I have to agree: Smoley came with big noise and now?

No big deliveries, just carry on ...

One example: Workday was his No. 1 priority and it's now (badly) implemented

And his latest tweets have all been about American football - he's clearly working hard........ Oh and one from his Facebook page which was quickly blocked so suspect some drunken tweeting.........

So Smoley and Chris Day are claiming they have saved $350M per year ( Really???? IT delivery seems as sh*t as ever yet they are claiming to be heroes???

How do they get away with such blatant lies? Or have they cooked the books so the maths works in their favour????
It is bullshit. All they have done is move to cheap labor in India. Nothing is actually improved or innovative. You can bet your ass the service is going to get worse as they continue to slaughter the rest of IT in the hubs. Pimping the cheap labor next in Mexico.

Security? Compliance? Who needs that in a regulated industry? And Pascal is just as happy to sit there, gobble up his bullshit and turn a blind eye because the lies impress his almighty stockholders. How are those stockholders gonna feel when AZ gets wacked for the rampant and blatant disregard for regulations in every single market they operate in. AZ's leadership is filthy, perhaps even worse than Pfizer's. Day is a bottom feeder and Smoley loves that the little rat will do his dirty work.