New abuse of reproductive freedom caused by Republicans


Last week’s Alabama Supreme Court decision declared embryos are children and those who destroy them can be held liable for wrongful death.

Trump's SCOTUS ruling in 2022 ended the nationwide federal right to abortion and led to Trumps boast of a spectacular success. But for many Americans, the loss of the constitutional protection they've taken for granted ever since offers a huge political opening to Democrats and abortion right campaigners.

The Alabama ruling is an example of how the far-right has emboldened ultra-conservative judges to issue ever more radical rulings.


Last week’s Alabama Supreme Court decision declared embryos are children and those who destroy them can be held liable for wrongful death.

Trump's SCOTUS ruling in 2022 ended the nationwide federal right to abortion and led to Trumps boast of a spectacular success. But for many Americans, the loss of the constitutional protection they've taken for granted ever since offers a huge political opening to Democrats and abortion right campaigners.

The Alabama ruling is an example of how the far-right has emboldened ultra-conservative judges to issue ever more radical rulings.
I think ALabama and red states should go full on Sharia Law and start monitoring male sperm. Potential for life, right??? That’s what they do in the Sharia Law countries. Put the guys in the slammer for jerking off. I think it would be a great law and should be enforced by the purity police force.

I think ALabama and red states should go full on Sharia Law and start monitoring male sperm. Potential for life, right??? That’s what they do in the Sharia Law countries. Put the guys in the slammer for jerking off. I think it would be a great law and should be enforced by the purity police force.

American women couldn’t care less what Donald Trump posts on Truth Social, they care that they can’t access fertility treatment because of him. He started this shit and now he wants to lie his way out of it saying he 'advised against it'. What a crock of shit. He's the one responsible for this just like when he emboldened the whack jobs on January 6th.

American women couldn’t care less what Donald Trump posts on Truth Social, they care that they can’t access fertility treatment because of him. He started this shit and now he wants to lie his way out of it saying he 'advised against it'. What a crock of shit. He's the one responsible for this just like when he emboldened the whack jobs on January 6th.
My apologies for trying to joke about this abysmal situation. Agree with you that the orange monster is responsible for plunging women into this awful world where my children and grandchildren will have less rights than I did. Just so you know I’m a democrat and have voted that way for many years since I saw this day coming with the religious right and the Republican Party. We are not far in some states from Sharia Law- in reproductive rights and even schools and libraries with the fascochristians in charge.
Signed- a pissed off grandmother.

American women couldn’t care less what Donald Trump posts on Truth Social, they care that they can’t access fertility treatment because of him. He started this shit and now he wants to lie his way out of it saying he 'advised against it'. What a crock of shit. He's the one responsible for this just like when he emboldened the whack jobs on January 6th.

I just about jumped off of the couch at my TV when I caught a news segment about Dump saying he's all for IVF. This is indeed ALL on him and he is a piece of shit.

Like I said, what if the couple with embryos in the bank get killed together? Who pays the storage bill? Who becomes responsible for them?
What if a woman has an emergency hysterectomy or doesn't want children anymore? They are trying to legislate our private lives due to the fairy tale that some people happen to believe in. This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to force your beliefs on me. Doesn't anyone in this country or Alabama give a shit about that?

I just about jumped off of the couch at my TV when I caught a news segment about Dump saying he's all for IVF. This is indeed ALL on him and he is a piece of shit.

Like I said, what if the couple with embryos in the bank get killed together? Who pays the storage bill? Who becomes responsible for them?
What if a woman has an emergency hysterectomy or doesn't want children anymore? They are trying to legislate our private lives due to the fairy tale that some people happen to believe in. This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to force your beliefs on me. Doesn't anyone in this country or Alabama give a shit about that?

In Alabama? No, obviously they don't and neither does the dementia Joe poster. If he did, he'd be making 'Dump Trump' recommendations.

In Alabama? No, obviously they don't and neither does the dementia Joe poster. If he did, he'd be making 'Dump Trump' recommendations.

Oh, the fake 'I hate Trump guy?'

He should pay attention to this:
Alyssa Farah Griffin points out the Republican party should be concerned that Haley was able to get 40 percent of the GOP primary vote — when her opponent was running with all the benefits of an incumbent candidate.

“Somebody who’s running as virtually an incumbent — Donald Trump — getting 60 percent, and 40 percent being against him? That’s not a mandate,” she said. “Especially with the entire Republican party apparatus behind him, with most elected Republicans behind him.”

This is one of the reasons I refuse to vote for Trump, despite all of you insisting I will. Republicans would easily win this election if they would stay out of people's bedrooms, and nominate a candidate who isn't Trump. Instead, it will come down to Trump vs. Dementia Joe with the loser being America. I will either vote 3rd party, or not vote at all. I can't vote for Trump, not because he's Putin, Russian, a criminal, or any of your other delusions. I can't vote for him because I don't think he's a quality human being. And Biden, being corrupt and dementia riddled, isn't any better. Don't believe me? Who cares.

This is one of the reasons I refuse to vote for Trump, despite all of you insisting I will. Republicans would easily win this election if they would stay out of people's bedrooms, and nominate a candidate who isn't Trump. Instead, it will come down to Trump vs. Dementia Joe with the loser being America. I will either vote 3rd party, or not vote at all. I can't vote for Trump, not because he's Putin, Russian, a criminal, or any of your other delusions. I can't vote for him because I don't think he's a quality human being. And Biden, being corrupt and dementia riddled, isn't any better. Don't believe me? Who cares.

A vote for a 3rd party candidate is going to be a vote for Drump. Please hold your nose and vote for Biden, if for nothing else than to prevent another 4 years of corrupt, degenerate, lying, incompetent bullshit. Biden is competent, he is not a liar and he is not corrupt. Don't believe me? Don't care.