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Neuroscience LIVE meeting


What strategic senior leader thought it was a good idea to have a live meeting with hundreds of people to Houston in January. Everyone go spend time at Christmas parties, New Years Parties, family and get on a plane and come to Houston when omnicron is shutting countries down. Test us everyday and send people home that test positive? Really? Clearly this new leadership is off to a bad start and bad idea, can't wait to hear his plan to sale our products. This is landing real bad across the salesforce.


What strategic senior leader thought it was a good idea to have a live meeting with hundreds of people to Houston in January. Everyone go spend time at Christmas parties, New Years Parties, family and get on a plane and come to Houston when omnicron is shutting countries down. Test us everyday and send people home that test positive? Really? Clearly this new leadership is off to a bad start and bad idea, can't wait to hear his plan to sale our products. This is landing real bad across the salesforce.
How can someone fly back home with a positive Covid test?

the airlines don't care if you are covid positive unless you are entering the country. Airlines only care about international travelers with covid and not domestic travelers with covid.
Okey dokey.

Might the public care to know that a "healthcare" company was putting positively-identified Covid infected employees onto a flying bus, knowingly and therefore arguably intentionally risking everyone else on board, to send workers home from a non-essential meeting?

Unbelievable they are willing to put peoples health at risk for a pointless meeting then send everyone home to spread it around to their family, ZOOM works fine especially that you have nothing to tell us and only want to get on stage and promote YOU! Great decision and great way to spend money.

CLUSTER in more than one way

Saturday night live closed their studio for the show yesterday evening. If SNL can close their studio, we can close our pointless meeting.
SNL should’ve closed their studio (and the whole production) years ago. Quit your bellyaching and show up for your paycheck for the first time in almost two years.

What strategic senior leader thought it was a good idea to have a live meeting with hundreds of people to Houston in January. Everyone go spend time at Christmas parties, New Years Parties, family and get on a plane and come to Houston when omnicron is shutting countries down. Test us everyday and send people home that test positive? Really? Clearly this new leadership is off to a bad start and bad idea, can't wait to hear his plan to sale our products. This is landing real bad across the salesforce.

Irresponsible JNJ.

Many of us aren't even seeing family this Christmas because of Omicron fears!

Report. Report. Report. It may not lead to immediate change but it will gain attention. Credo Hotline 800-371-2029

There is a total disregard for the health of employees. The past two years have shown that zoom meetings are more time efficient and less costly to the bottom line. Why not offer a virtual option for people that have health concerns?

Okey dokey.

Might the public care to know that a "healthcare" company was putting positively-identified Covid infected employees onto a flying bus, knowingly and therefore arguably intentionally risking everyone else on board, to send workers home from a non-essential meeting?
Curious to know, did JNJ have an in person meeting and knowingly fly home a positive employee?

there is not a good answer for this question.
Yes there is.

As a healthcare company supposedly in business of serving public health, don't knowingly and recklessly force scores of employees into becoming pandemic vectors while simultaneously making them foot the considerable bills to do the right thing once the inevitable happens.

Other divisions in Janssen are also making reps fly into cities across the country for live meetings in January. And masking is optional. Exactly who pays for 10 days of isolation at a hotel out of state?

for the january live meetings why wouldn't they offer a virtual option? we have been doing this successfully over zoom for two years
what are the options for reps that 100% fear being in person with their unmasked counterparts?

You should seriously report this to a national news station. Could you imagine the headline? “PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY PUTTING MILLIONS AT RISK WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY PUSHING FOR OMICRON CAUTION.” Not kidding - report their hypocritical bs to Fox News.

You should seriously report this to a national news station. Could you imagine the headline? “PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY PUTTING MILLIONS AT RISK WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY PUSHING FOR OMICRON CAUTION.” Not kidding - report their hypocritical bs to Fox News.
You should report it, dumb ass, but you won’t, because no national news station would care. You’re lame.

for the january live meetings why wouldn't they offer a virtual option? we have been doing this successfully over zoom for two years
what are the options for reps that 100% fear being in person with their unmasked counterparts?
One obvious option would be to start testing everyone in your household now. The likelihood that someone tests positive is very high, then you will have to quarantine at home up to 10 days or longer (ahem) if symptoms persist.