
If you can get into ANY Neuro position take it! Even if it is BSX. Recruiters and hiring managers have a hard on for BSX. Here is the secret......The brain is the new heart. Those who command the knowledge and relationships in this field will be in the right space for this decade.

I wouldn't take a job in neuromod at BSCI again if you (actually) paid me...which is something this division does not do. Not as a CS at least. I was one of those that took this job as it was sold to me by the the Recruiter as "a way to break in the industry"- LIES. if you do take this job and you dont happen to be in the "right place right time" where a territory opens up with the need for another Territory Manager then you will have successfully pigeon-holed yourself in a lowly, bottom-of-the-barrel Med device support position that will be a lot harder to get out of than it was getting into...

FYI- neuromod DBS won't come to fruition at BSCI for another 3-5 years...are you willing to wait, to "position yourself" for 3 years getting paid minimum wage only to make your Territory Managers 6 figures and not share the wealth???

Agreed, although Valencia is kinda nice if you don't like to go out too much. Prices are cheaper now so I can see where folks would be tempted. Problem is, it's not a long-term proposition. I think it could be a useful springboard to get into NM and then move to another company as soon as the market picks up. I'm told the BSX arrogance has not yet permeated the Valencia outfit completely, although it won't be long.

Agreed, although Valencia is kinda nice if you don't like to go out too much. Prices are cheaper now so I can see where folks would be tempted. Problem is, it's not a long-term proposition. I think it could be a useful springboard to get into NM and then move to another company as soon as the market picks up. I'm told the BSX arrogance has not yet permeated the Valencia outfit completely, although it won't be long.

Arrogance? No-- Valencia is still clear of that. However, total lack of planning and tact? Full of it. Last Natl Sales Meeting I went to they made this announcement, and I wish I was joking, "If you think you are going to be the Territory Manager of the Year, wear a suit. But, I wouldn't want to be you if you show up in a suit and don't go on stage". They never made an announcement of who was even in the running. Oh, and the winner, had no clue he was up for it. Walked up on stage in jeans and a polo.
I have never been with a medical device company that was this oddly run. It doesn't even feel like med. The product is actually top notch, but the sales management is piss poor. Plus, they have this maddening commission structure with tiers that end up showing that only those reps who have been there for many years, even prior to the BSX buyout, make any real money. New TM's live off of a shitty base until they build up enough accounts. And even then, your commission is completely based off what your quota is. I sold more than a majority of the TM's, but made less. My quota was so high that my PTQ paid out crap.
Argh, long story and I don't miss the place a darn bit. Bad management, people leaving like crazy, and just poorly run. Again, great product, but piss poor business model.

Again, great product, but piss poor business model.

"Great product"???? Is that why the division is for sale (still no buyers after over a year) and is still scratching at St. Jude and Medtronic from LAST PLACE in the Neuro market?!?! It was a "great product" when it launched in the mid-90's. "Great" might be stretching it. It was at least the first rechargeable battery that could handle 16 electrodes. The competition quickly passed, and surpased Advanced Bionics/Boston Scientific. This division is a loser...plain and simple.

You'd be better off in Pharma. You will make more money, have more respect, and have a better chance at selling at least one winning product from your bag.

gee i wonder if your an ans/mdt rep?

Gee I wonder how many new products you actually launched in the last 2 years that were not already on the market? hmmm. quads. Congrats! Those have been around since the 80s. New paddle leads....nah.. You still have the same crappy one that should have been recalled with numerous accounts of the electrodes falling off into the epidural space. Not to mention your company spun the fixing of this product with an actual sales brochure. What did you guys say to yourselves "Congrats, our product doesn't fall apart anymore"! Your pipeline is broken.

Arrogance? No-- Valencia is still clear of that. However, total lack of planning and tact? Full of it. Last Natl Sales Meeting I went to they made this announcement, and I wish I was joking, "If you think you are going to be the Territory Manager of the Year, wear a suit. But, I wouldn't want to be you if you show up in a suit and don't go on stage". They never made an announcement of who was even in the running. Oh, and the winner, had no clue he was up for it. Walked up on stage in jeans and a polo.
I have never been with a medical device company that was this oddly run. It doesn't even feel like med. The product is actually top notch, but the sales management is piss poor. Plus, they have this maddening commission structure with tiers that end up showing that only those reps who have been there for many years, even prior to the BSX buyout, make any real money. New TM's live off of a shitty base until they build up enough accounts. And even then, your commission is completely based off what your quota is. I sold more than a majority of the TM's, but made less. My quota was so high that my PTQ paid out crap.
Argh, long story and I don't miss the place a darn bit. Bad management, people leaving like crazy, and just poorly run. Again, great product, but piss poor business model.

I have been here now for 4 years. I could not agree more with this post! I love when Allen our VP of sales states that they are trying to clean up all the "BAD" hires. Why not start with the DM's and RBM's. (& by the way it's a good old boys club) The corp side of this division is a disaster!! Probably a good stepping stone to get your foot in the door & that would explain all the turn around. Plus BSX pays the worst of the 3 companies as far as base salary and incentives. Use it if you can but start looking elsewhere soon!

The comment directly above is spot on. The Regional Director's in this division of BSC are a disaster and I am not exaggerating. What exactly do they do again? A monkey could perform their job. The position is totally not necessary. We all scratch our heads about this group. The DM's have improved over the years since the Advance Bionics days, but there are still many that have a difficult time grasping the business and just collect a paycheck.

To be fair, many could say this about their own company and sales force. Like it or not, we work in a shallow industry. We often look good on paper and have the right title or background, but in reality, not many are happy with the career. Good money for a spell, but certainly no sustainable. SCS and DBS are ok for now in the medical device arena, but eventually something else will come along and everyone will scramble.

Honestly, is there really a need for RSD's, RBM's, DVM's and AVP's in any of the three companies. I had an AVP out in the field recently with me and he refused to make a joint call with me on one of my biggest competitive customers becuase he didnt feel comfortable discussing "fractionalization". Are you kidding me???????

Honestly, is there really a need for RSD's, RBM's, DVM's and AVP's in any of the three companies. I had an AVP out in the field recently with me and he refused to make a joint call with me on one of my biggest competitive customers becuase he didnt feel comfortable discussing "fractionalization". Are you kidding me???????

The neuromodulation numbers this last quarter are very telling. We've been able to get away with lackluster leadership based on the market dynamics and specifically Medtronic's faluts.
However, I feel the market is becoming even more competitve and we need leadership that can actually devise a market driven strategy and that doesn't mean selling fractionalization.
Our current leadership does not have that capability.

We are truly shaking that you developed something that adjusts voltage based on movement. Heaven forbid a patient uses their remote to do so.

When you develop a Current based system I'll worry. YAWN.


I have been here now for 4 years. I could not agree more with this post! I love when Allen our VP of sales states that they are trying to clean up all the "BAD" hires. Why not start with the DM's and RBM's. (& by the way it's a good old boys club) The corp side of this division is a disaster!! Probably a good stepping stone to get your foot in the door & that would explain all the turn around. Plus BSX pays the worst of the 3 companies as far as base salary and incentives. Use it if you can but start looking elsewhere soon!

Oh and Mike Cioffi in Florida RBM has no college degree!