Wise up nimrods. The "code of conduct" is a load of crap. It's a vague BS policy that is left to the interpretation of management to manipulate situations when they have their own personal agendas. When someone is fired and the EEOC steps in, they hide behind those three letters in an attempt to prove management did nothing wrong. It's a license to be an Asshole. And forget their policy on protecting employees when an internal investigation in launched. If management has already laid the ground work of code violations, all it means is your job is safe for about a week.
It's sad. For a company that prides itself on innovation they sure are clueless on what being great means. The lack of oxygen for having their heads in the clouds in evident. They have the reputation for treating their employees like shit and that's why they will NEVER be #1.
It's sad. For a company that prides itself on innovation they sure are clueless on what being great means. The lack of oxygen for having their heads in the clouds in evident. They have the reputation for treating their employees like shit and that's why they will NEVER be #1.