NEOU web conf/call


Is anyone else embarassed for the NEOU? It used to be an honor to work for this area because it was always in the top for the National Awards etc....

Now we have to watch stupid winners of a Halloween contest? Winners get a gummy brain? The Golden Onion award? Am I in 3rd grade again?

Instead of wasting time for this crap, let's talk about money driven contests for both REE and CV sides.


Is anyone else embarassed for the NEOU? It used to be an honor to work for this area because it was always in the top for the National Awards etc....

Now we have to watch stupid winners of a Halloween contest? Winners get a gummy brain? The Golden Onion award? Am I in 3rd grade again?

Instead of wasting time for this crap, let's talk about money driven contests for both REE and CV sides.

don't worry all those "top for the National Awards weiners" will be worried about far greater things than gummie bears soon ; - )

Anyone who dresses up as "super-rep" and THEN sends it to the head of your division deserves a far greater punishment than mocking. The really sad part is she'll have a job & I'll be unemployed after next week. Guess we know what "innovative & creative" looks like now...

Anyone who dresses up as "super-rep" and THEN sends it to the head of your division deserves a far greater punishment than mocking. The really sad part is she'll have a job & I'll be unemployed after next week. Guess we know what "innovative & creative" looks like now...

Dont worry you will still be working for this company after next week
LAyoffs will not be till spring

Today was embarassing, insulting and a complete mockery of our profession. I was so disgusted that I decided working on my 3 hour expense report was more enjoyable. I'm glad we get a break from this sham until January...on a more positive note, congrats to all of those who are progressing.

If they let me & my spray tan/comb-over run the show
instead of that flaming mustache that offers promotions
to young girls for sex I could then give you real gummie bears!

Thank You Thank You
Rich . S

OP here....I'm glad Im not the only one who thinks that a dress up contest for Halloween is a joke and those who participate are even more of a joke! Plus a pumpkin carving contest? Please...

At least those who responded to this post are intelligent! Thanks for your responses, it's good to know there are thinkers out there and not drones who actually pursue these stupid requests with vim & vigor!

The one poster is correct....the asshairs who dressed up and carved the pumpkins will be safe as will the drones, those of us who think are going to be gone!

OP here....I'm glad Im not the only one who thinks that a dress up contest for Halloween is a joke and those who participate are even more of a joke! Plus a pumpkin carving contest? Please...

At least those who responded to this post are intelligent! Thanks for your responses, it's good to know there are thinkers out there and not drones who actually pursue these stupid requests with vim & vigor!

The one poster is correct....the asshairs who dressed up and carved the pumpkins will be safe as will the drones, those of us who think are going to be gone!

Isn't dressing up a violation of company policy since sometime last ear? Didn't we do an iLearn about this? If slaves are angry enough, go call ethics & compliance. This should be a clear violation of the iLearn.

Sense of Humor??? He was told to be more humane to the subjects per the Global Surveys! As was Joey J, etc... they had to reboot the chip in their heads...

"Be more tranparent...Does not compute"!!! Danger Will Robinson, Danger!!!

So bad, to think that I went to college for this! If my parents knew that I was getting patronized like this they would surely ask for a refund and maybe slap me a few times for good measure. Just mail the gummy brain to Brian G. and see what he thinks of what has become of his beloved sales organization. Today was a bad day for Novartis and all who had any detectable level of pride. Will someone have the courage to stand up publicly and make this charade end?

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