NEOU REE side No President's Club Winners


It must be a moment in history. There were 300 people in the NEOU REE sales force and there were no president club winners. If this is not a sign of unrealistic goals I don't know what it is.


It must be a moment in history. There were 300 people in the NEOU REE sales force and there were no president club winners. If this is not a sign of unrealistic goals I don't know what it is.
Clarify for me, please: Is it due to job cuts, or the mere fact that no one was able to reach their "stretch" goals- especially with the performance factor in place. I left neuro last year partially due to this.

Clarify for me, please: Is it due to job cuts, or the mere fact that no one was able to reach their "stretch" goals- especially with the performance factor in place. I left neuro last year partially due to this.

It was due to the fact that Reclast goals were unattainable. They have it within their powers to make adjustments but they chose not to do that.

It was due to the fact that Reclast goals were unattainable. They have it within their powers to make adjustments but they chose not to do that.

Because they do not make adjustments the morale is down and the work week is no more than 16 hours. NVS gets what they pay for. If they want to set unattainable goals they get a work ethic that meets that standard

It was due to the fact that Reclast goals were unattainable. They have it within their powers to make adjustments but they chose not to do that.
Novartis leaders must have been misinformed somewhere that this sort of thing produces their desired outcome. Neuroscience goals were also unrealistic and unattainable. Especially due to only compensating and ranking reps on GROWTH. I would like to see the numbers and rankings of all reps corporate wide. I would also like to know if Reclast goals were set to "encourage" off label promotion. If that is the case, I would be speaking with an attorney. And, I am not the kind of person to sue. However, due to the fact that you will most likely be out of a job based on your "non-performance" and get a 1- it might be worth talking to someone. It doesn't even need to be for financial gain, just to give some legal parameters for ranking reps. If they monitor everything else, why not monitor how big Pharma can rank reps.

Because they do not make adjustments the morale is down and the work week is no more than 16 hours. NVS gets what they pay for. If they want to set unattainable goals they get a work ethic that meets that standard


So "Novartis gets what they pay for huh" So what do you think you will be earning when we can your ass during the next round cause you're a bitter, overpaid caterer?

Because they do not make adjustments the morale is down and the work week is no more than 16 hours. NVS gets what they pay for. If they want to set unattainable goals they get a work ethic that meets that standard
. A company does not create a work ethic, you either have a strong one or you don't.

No a company creates a culture just like a region or manager. True leadership leads, inspires and motivates people to achieve great things, poor leadership and culture demoralizes, demotivates, and causes concern. What Novartis has forgotten is that we were once a sales motivated organization, now we are a marketing company run by consultants and others fron non-pharma sales. Someone previously posted comments about bringing back Thomas Eberling who knew the importance of the salespeople to the organization, not the stuffed suits and marketers. Until the organization refocuses on the salesforce, abandons the flawed bottom line mentality of profitability that they are in the salesforce will continue to suffer. Most people who have retained their jobs and have any sense are posting resumes and looking to leave. Novartis will continue to lose good talent either through mismanaged downsizing or voluntary terminations. Who is left but the backstabbing, self-promoting cockroaches that we all despise and a poorly motivated group of individuals.

No a company creates a culture just like a region or manager. True leadership leads, inspires and motivates people to achieve great things, poor leadership and culture demoralizes, demotivates, and causes concern. What Novartis has forgotten is that we were once a sales motivated organization, now we are a marketing company run by consultants and others fron non-pharma sales. Someone previously posted comments about bringing back Thomas Eberling who knew the importance of the salespeople to the organization, not the stuffed suits and marketers. Until the organization refocuses on the salesforce, abandons the flawed bottom line mentality of profitability that they are in the salesforce will continue to suffer. Most people who have retained their jobs and have any sense are posting resumes and looking to leave. Novartis will continue to lose good talent either through mismanaged downsizing or voluntary terminations. Who is left but the backstabbing, self-promoting cockroaches that we all despise and a poorly motivated group of individuals.

As someone in HQ I have this to say

Please Please leave
reps bring marginal value at best given you can no longer buy off physicians

We fully realize intelligent, highly educated professsionals have no interest in the 3 line BS you spew like the little trained parrots you are.

Therefore, the impact of a so called long tenure highly trained rep and a clueless recent college grad in stilletos is essentally the same. For all you dissatisfied long termers why stick around? APPARENTLY THERE ARE ALL TYPES OF HIGH END, EXCITING 6 FIGURE OPPORTUNITIES JUST WAITING FOR YOU IF YOU LEAVE NPC LOL-SO GET THE HELL OUT ALREADY!

I repeat you are overhead you do not bring dollars into the organization, and you probably could not cut it in the field that is why you are in HQ. Many strong results delivered performers were cut, many had contributed to this organization for 10+ years or more, what have you done except spew useless crap that you could not deliver yourself but expect others to do. You are the problem with this organization sitting in your Corporate cubicle, get out on the front lines my friend see the real world, not the fantasy you have conjured in your head.

I repeat you are overhead you do not bring dollars into the organization, and you probably could not cut it in the field that is why you are in HQ. Many strong results delivered performers were cut, many had contributed to this organization for 10+ years or more, what have you done except spew useless crap that you could not deliver yourself but expect others to do. You are the problem with this organization sitting in your Corporate cubicle, get out on the front lines my friend see the real world, not the fantasy you have conjured in your head.

I have helped actually develop the drugs you sandwich dropper! I have way to much pride/ education, skills and financial expectations to prostitute myself as a pharma caterer.

Listen you catering experts have it pretty good right now and you know it. No one outside of pharma would pay you your current inflated salaries and pharma jobs for you are finally going buh bye

If it were not for us, DOUCHE BAG, you would not be sitting in a cubicle in the heated office in winter and cool air conditioning oin the summer heat, answering a phone for your minuscule salary with an 8-5 mentality.

Yes we are caterers, yes we are medically educated with degrees from college, yes we sacrafice time from our families to study, educate physicians, bring lunches, and do dinner programs. Yes we have to rain on new medcations and disease states, yes we have to bring value to the organization. Without us, you are worthless.

These are all of the required duties of the position (see job description for rep) and then there are many, is to bring more in renue to the comapny than our position costs the company (caled profitability), this was part of the model during my Masters Degree curriculum at Northwestern (not telephone company).

Just think, "More For Less" will work for a short period of time and then Novartis will have to hire more people because this model does not work. When Novartis realizes that growth is not occuring, your "cubicle" job be one of the first to go because you are not needed because there is no work load. Then, history will repeat itself and Novartis will hire again. Yes, I have been there many years and seen this process twice! We have respected the positions in home office, respect ours.

The Managing Directors are the problem. They could have been the voice to upper level management for the hard work everyone had put in. They will never care about us, it will always be about them!

Tell me your not surprised they are trying to pull something off like this to save money. They had to pay for Vegas somehow, all the severances and the lawsuits. Wake up!!!

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