A little over a year ago I left Rotech. I thought I saw the writing on the wall... I'm still at the job I left for and doing well, I'm happy. I started with Rotech in 2007 and they were going under then.... Guess what? They're still around! Knock them all you want say they're this and they're that but the reality is..... They're still here! Anyone complaining should just simply revert to their free will and seek other employment or stop complaining and focus on supporting the company that continues to work hard to keep you paid. No company is perfect and they all have their challenges, I don't agree with everything my new company does but without my support and the support of everyone, however would I expect the company to do well and stay in business...Seriously, attitude is everything and the continued negative feedback is not helping your cause ... I know some would love to see them fail and collect a small severance and eventually chill for awhile on unemployment we'll let me remind you that the only thing in this world that does not change is the passage of time and before you know it your money is gone an unemployments over... If you're not happy and all you're going to do is continue to be part of the problem instead of a solution do the rest of the folks that want to see Rotech succeed a favor and leave.