Neg Pressure

Well if it was so great a few years ago tell me why we had an unprofitable negative pressure business with 7% market share and virtually no sales with the only true innovative product in our bag - PICO- and a wound care business that was declining in a growing market with a 9% share versus 25% share outside the U.S.? Yea let's go back to that approach cus it was working great. What a joke.....

Exactly. You couldn't sell PICO when you had it. Now all of a sudden you are a mercenary that was displaced. The division is at it's best in years so move on

What concentration high TCH Weed, crack, or oxi are you inhaling/ingesting? Your Division is top heavy and it will restructured significantly by years end. You think Pico was difficult to grow the past 3 years? Now try it with absolutely minimal reimbursement in the OP area. You are back to what Pico was 3 years ago, incision management on a few procedures in which a few docs see the efficacy. Every terr taken over by the arrogant pharma young bucks selling Oasis, are way down, and these arrogant little weezles are waking up to reality. I remember back in late Nov, prior to BA's BS call, we had the Oasis kids, calling, asking for help as they could not get a seal. It was hilarious when they said, "this is more difficult to do than how it was presented". Yes, "The Division is at it's best in years". When you come down with the LSD mental set you may want some coffee, as you will need to wake up and at least smell it I am certain that a highly motivated sales person thrives on ordering in $700 lunches, and actually thinking this will make a diff. The only difference on these lunches Frenchie and BA, the Platypuss demand, is that only Santyl is worth doing it. Guess what, they have 100 percent of that type of debridement, the only thing they can do is present a bunch of clinical upchuck, to try and keep the ball rolling. That too will it meet its end with reimbursement changing. I know many a WOCN who will use a "cocktail" of WC products, in order to stay away from Santyl. They don't like it, and oh year, they raised the price 100 percent 2 years ago due to "manufacturing costs". Yep, and Kentucky is going to lose in the NCAA.

What concentration high TCH Weed, crack, or oxi are you inhaling/ingesting? Your Division is top heavy and it will restructured significantly by years end. You think Pico was difficult to grow the past 3 years? Now try it with absolutely minimal reimbursement in the OP area. You are back to what Pico was 3 years ago, incision management on a few procedures in which a few docs see the efficacy. Every terr taken over by the arrogant pharma young bucks selling Oasis, are way down, and these arrogant little weezles are waking up to reality. I remember back in late Nov, prior to BA's BS call, we had the Oasis kids, calling, asking for help as they could not get a seal. It was hilarious when they said, "this is more difficult to do than how it was presented". Yes, "The Division is at it's best in years". When you come down with the LSD mental set you may want some coffee, as you will need to wake up and at least smell it I am certain that a highly motivated sales person thrives on ordering in $700 lunches, and actually thinking this will make a diff. The only difference on these lunches Frenchie and BA, the Platypuss demand, is that only Santyl is worth doing it. Guess what, they have 100 percent of that type of debridement, the only thing they can do is present a bunch of clinical upchuck, to try and keep the ball rolling. That too will it meet its end with reimbursement changing. I know many a WOCN who will use a "cocktail" of WC products, in order to stay away from Santyl. They don't like it, and oh year, they raised the price 100 percent 2 years ago due to "manufacturing costs". Yep, and Kentucky is going to lose in the NCAA.

Its funny how Oasis continues to make money without increasing market share. How many prices increases has Oasis had in the last several years?

Its funny how Oasis continues to make money without increasing market share. How many prices increases has Oasis had in the last several years?

The unit sales of both Oasis and Santyl are way off. Eventually, the price ceiling will hit Oasis, as there are 20 competitors out there that have grafts doing the same thing. Santyl is finally meeting it's ceiling which is called reimbursement changes. By the end of this year, the 700 or so attending the 2 Nat Meetings, will be down to 500. Frenchie will be holding a white flag out, and BA will go back to Home Depot. He should once again do well in the toilet dept because he is full of S.