What amazes me, despite some of the incompetent clueless bozos who post on this site, is that Bill landed Kaiser and Dignity. Why this is amazing, is that anyone who experienced the Renasys products, knew that they were promoting a product that was an absolute pos. Alarms did not work, the EZ Plus was the size of a warhead, the Go was constantly alarming, if you did not have a perfect seal. Yet, the reps were able, through incredible servicing and relationships, to hang on. Despite the liars that thought they could pull the wool over the FDA, I reflect in amazement, that for a three year run, SN took ten percent market share from KCI, a superior product in all ways. What Bill pulled off would be equivalent to Villanova circa 1985, pulling off the upset of Georgetown, three years in a row. I marvel in reflection, how this three year run was accomplished. But all things come to an end, the FDA took care of that. Now, the Frenchman and BA, whose countenance is like a literal BA; run the show. By second quarter results, there will be huge layoffs.