Need advice

Not true, they would never touch surgical, they are the clinical sales force and they are starting to really embrace LESS, single site surgery, The VP just retired not fired. He was with the company for many years and was getting older. Take the job my friend and make some$$$

Total lie...DS was let go and you know it.

If you sell energy, things are only getting better If you are on the Surgical Imaging side , I would be concerned . Looks like The Gyrus Boys are running the ship .
Dennis was fired he did not resign .

They already have. Look at the management changes.

Its just a matter of time before heads start rolling... not sure who's it will be, but there will be changes.

If they saw too much duplication in the GI division and cut a sales force, all you have to do is look towards surgical to see that there is way too many people calling on the same targets.

WOW , I thought we were getting thunderbeat. I have been pre selling it . Now the little Gyrus gal gets the real deal. very unhappy with our direction , not worth the money and the aggravation

I do... because I have to eat. One of my accounts just converted to reprocessed, so now I have to sprint even harder uphill just to end up below where I started. I'm hoping ThunderBeat saves the day... or else I'm toast.

It doesnt matter who the fool is that is running OLY, they are all tools of the mother ship in Japan. The company is a little light on cash right now and they have a big hole to plug, so the best advice I would give is to stay away! "The good old Gyrus boys" stood by and watched our pay get slashed significantly because they have no power to say otherwise. They took a great company and turned it into a sewer. There are better jobs out there.