None of these recent posts give any insight as to why people decided to trust the company.
It was not trust, it was FEAR.....Feeling safer with what they are accustomed to than an uncertain future and choosing not to believe their lying eyes. Pathetic.None of these recent posts give any insight as to why people decided to trust the company.
LCA has always run on fear - any employee knows that! Upper Management kissed ass the last few months being understanding, letting the employees do/say what they want - no one held accountable to any policy. Now they will go back to their old way and get rid of the employees that they know were pro union. Good strategy - LCA paid a lot of money for this vote. If they just gave it to the employees in the first place they never would have had this issue. BH strikes again.
Nuns work for love. Nurses and teachers work for money, period.
"Secret Ballot" ? What a laugh!!! They had employees "ratting" each other out - all management knew who was pro and con - they placed employees in the sites to "make sure" who was who. Again - a lot of promises made - they told us if you don't like what were doing you can petition again. What was not told was that we would have to wait one year from the vote. I wonder if the shareholders know how much money was spent on this for the last 9 months. Now to move into the Central and South areas. Drivers want in too. Let's see if we get a raise this year?????
Plumbers are special. You don't know how special they are until you need one. My family are all plumbers, we love what we do! The next time you need a plumber remember how special we are....
The issue is that a plumber won't be in surgery or intensive care with you,moron.
Neither will unpaid nurses, moron. Neither will unpaid teachers teach a class, moron.
Stop pretending these women care more than anyone else doing a job.
Heard it cost the NE almost half a million to fight the union. Those consultants and lawyers don't come cheap. Employees are all waiting for a nice raise this July. Hope they won't be disappointed - again.
Heard it cost the NE almost half a million to fight the union. Those consultants and lawyers don't come cheap. Employees are all waiting for a nice raise this July. Hope they won't be disappointed - again.
Union busting is not cheap.
Neither is the vicious cycle of buying labs, firing all of the employees who made the lab who go off start a new lab and take their clients with them. Then buying that new lab and starting the cycle again.