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NE Regional...? Really!?!?!


You need to understand the NNI definition of "the best". "The Best" managers at Novo create disharmony and paranoia among their teams.

It's known as The Novo Way of Management.

Ask anyone in NE or in NY Metro, sad to say its true. This is what we have resorted to? A call from RBD saying 'pick me up in 20, I will be riding with you today." I don't mind the ridealong, I've done this for 13 years. I mind the tactics behind it! Give me just a little bit of respect!

Ask anyone in NE or in NY Metro, sad to say its true. This is what we have resorted to? A call from RBD saying 'pick me up in 20, I will be riding with you today." I don't mind the ridealong, I've done this for 13 years. I mind the tactics behind it! Give me just a little bit of respect!

Our beloved RBD is probably having their toes held to the fire! As the saying goes, "[crap] flows downhill". My questions are these: why havent they been doing this all along? Why the change in tactics with field rides? I have no problem with surprise visits or bi-monthly DBM or RBD ride alongs. But from what I hear, this is new. Why?

You need to understand the NNI definition of "the best". "The Best" managers at Novo create disharmony and paranoia among their teams.

It's known as The Novo Way of Management.

True! Just ask DBM Jim Patag who disparages one rep in his district to another in his district. This is called "creating a hostile work environment". He was reported and nothing was done.

True! Just ask DBM Jim Patag who disparages one rep in his district to another in his district. This is called "creating a hostile work environment". He was reported and nothing was done.
Really? They gossiped about you to another rep? The horrors! Why wasn't this person taken to the home office and tar & feathered in the lobby?

Egad, its good thing you milquetoasts werent around in the 90s, when every company went through an explosion in hiring and any swingin' you-know-what was promoted to manager if they lasted for more than 3 years. It is because of those idiots that we have many of the Integrity training rules in place now.

Ask anyone in NE or in NY Metro, sad to say its true. This is what we have resorted to? A call from RBD saying 'pick me up in 20, I will be riding with you today." I don't mind the ridealong, I've done this for 13 years. I mind the tactics behind it! Give me just a little bit of respect!

do you mean the little guy aka Andy Puppet? Or did DE move along.

What?? You don't love holding your breath in the morning from 8:00-8:30 anticipating a call from your regional director telling you where to pick him up? That's not how you want to start every day?