Fucktard made her pick yesterday at 2:08 PM. I was at home watching the major match ups and checking the board throughout the day. I kept checking back to see if she made her pick and as you can see I posted a reminder to her. She made her pick in time. I swear on my honor that I saw her pick and even made a note of it.

I write everyone's picks down before the game then check them the next day to what has been posted. I do it to be as accurate as I can be.

No excuses.

We've been through this before. Once you make a pick you can't go back and edit the post after the game starts.

Good luck to you, Tink. I hope you win it all.

The neighborhood has turned too sleazy for me. I'm moving out ;)

See, you are so rigid with this thing that you won't even believe the boss of the board who says what time I made the pick! You are still taking this far too seriously.

Then you call it all "sleazy" -- what?

No excuses.

We've been through this before. Once you make a pick you can't go back and edit the post after the game starts.

Good luck to you, Tink. I hope you win it all.

The neighborhood has turned too sleazy for me. I'm moving out ;)

Bronco, Come on man. Please don't just give up. I seriously checked Fucktard's pick yesterday and she made it before the USC Vs. Washington game started. The BAMA Vs. Mizzou game was delayed 30 minutes due to lighting and I got back on the board to check and see if she made her pick...


1. FUCKTARD!!!! (8-4) Congrats Fucktard!! Even though we give you hell you beat our ass this week! Florida also showed everyone that they are "4-REAL". That Florida QB is really impressive.

2. BRONCO FRAUD- (7-5) For his first week playing Bronco Fraud beat the real BRONCO BOY. We hope you come back next week and play you do make the Pick Em more fun.

3. PALE HORSE- (5-7) You did much better making your own picks compared to Tinkr! Thanks for playing this week and it's good to have you back. I wished your Vols would have pulled through for us.

4. BRONCO BOY (4-8) BAMABOY (4-8) - BRONCO FRAUD beat both of us this week!

5. TINKRBELLE (3-9) WHITE TRASH (3-9) WTF TINKR??! This is how the Pick EM can be White Trash. One week you are king of the hill and the next your are well "white trash."

How the helll did PH do better than me when he copied my picks verbatim???????!!! Please explain.

How the helll did PH do better than me when he copied my picks verbatim???????!!! Please explain.

He made his real picks a while later. He was just messing with Bronco which is easy to do. Bronco needs to stop being a little bitch! Bronco needs to put his big girl panties on next week to make some picks....

Bronco, Come on man. Please don't just give up. I seriously checked Fucktard's pick yesterday and she made it before the USC Vs. Washington game started. The BAMA Vs. Mizzou game was delayed 30 minutes due to lighting and I got back on the board to check and see if she made her pick...

Nah. If you want to be the Mayor of Sleezecity knock yourself out. You wear the title well. Some of us have standards. On the field the refs call blocks in the back. You turn a blind eye on Pick 'Em. Fine. Swim in your own cesspool. I'm going to find some fresh water.

Good luck, Tink. And remember what your mom told you. You're no better than those who you choose to associate with. :)

You're going to leave because the BOSS of the board verified that I made a pick before the game? What is the big deal? Are you losing money?

I'm seriously worried about you. You are wound way too tight.

You're going to leave because the BOSS of the board verified that I made a pick before the game? What is the big deal? Are you losing money?

I'm seriously worried about you. You are wound way too tight.

I just want the rules enforced, Buckwheat. That's all. I want a fair board. The rules say that you cannot edit a pick post after the start of the scheduled game time. You edited your pick post 1 hour and 35 minutes after the USC-UW game started. That's an automatic disqualification. There was no pressing reason to fix the grammar. You knew the rules. Whether the self-appointed Mayor saw it or not is irrelevant. You folks dirtied up the poli board and the moderators shut it down. Now you come over here and dirty up the sports board. Not on my time. Play in your own dirt. I opt out. :D

I just want the rules enforced, Buckwheat. That's all. I want a fair board. The rules say that you cannot edit a pick post after the start of the scheduled game time. You edited your pick post 1 hour and 35 minutes after the USC-UW game started. That's an automatic disqualification. There was no pressing reason to fix the grammar. You knew the rules. Whether the self-appointed Mayor saw it or not is irrelevant. You folks dirtied up the poli board and the moderators shut it down. Now you come over here and dirty up the sports board. Not on my time. Play in your own dirt. I opt out. :D

Go already!

Sorry, you can't blame the poli board on me. I only rarely posted there.

Yes, there was no pressing need to fix grammar, I did the edit in error, stupid me. When others saw the pick of Washington (and I bet you do, also), what's the big deal? Is the one W or L going to hurt me or you?


I always thought that the 'Ol Dixie' people had higher moral principles and solid 'Good Book' values that were instilled into them as youngin's. Looks as if I was mistaken. Underhanded and indecent behavior crosses all geographic boundaries. Who says an old dog can't learn something new? Thanks for the education. :)

I always thought that the 'Ol Dixie' people had higher moral principles and solid 'Good Book' values that were instilled into them as youngin's. Looks as if I was mistaken. Underhanded and indecent behavior crosses all geographic boundaries. Who says an old dog can't learn something new? Thanks for the education. :)

Bronco, You did not even make a post this Saturday so you were not around. There is absolutely no advantage for me to say that I saw Fucktard's USC Vs. Washington pick. She is beating me in Pick Em so if anything I don't want her to continue getting picks correct. I was taught to say "yes sir and no mam," and have a strong moral and ethical foundation. I saw Fucktard's pick on Saturday before kick off and that is the truth. What incentive do I have to lie? I respect how you follow the rules and want everyone else to follow the same rules. I agree that we have to have set rules. Not just to be fair but also to be fair to the thread moderator which is me. It takes time for me to check everyone's picks and when I have to check back up it is time consuming. Please reconsider and continue to play weekly. You and I started this Pick Em and it won't be the same without you around.

Fucktard, Please make your picks all at one time like the rest of us. Please do not edit your picks. I do check on everyone's picks and when one player forgets to pick one game I have to follow up with it. It is time consuming for me to have to double check back up on players. Be sure to mail me that check for $250 since I backed you up on pick em and conspired to fool Bronco Boy! :)

Bronco, You did not even make a post this Saturday so you were not around. There is absolutely no advantage for me to say that I saw Fucktard's USC Vs. Washington pick. She is beating me in Pick Em so if anything I don't want her to continue getting picks correct. I was taught to say "yes sir and no mam," and have a strong moral and ethical foundation. I saw Fucktard's pick on Saturday before kick off and that is the truth. What incentive do I have to lie? I respect how you follow the rules and want everyone else to follow the same rules. I agree that we have to have set rules. Not just to be fair but also to be fair to the thread moderator which is me. It takes time for me to check everyone's picks and when I have to check back up it is time consuming. Please reconsider and continue to play weekly. You and I started this Pick Em and it won't be the same without you around.

Fucktard, Please make your picks all at one time like the rest of us. Please do not edit your picks. I do check on everyone's picks and when one player forgets to pick one game I have to follow up with it. It is time consuming for me to have to double check back up on players. Be sure to mail me that check for $250 since I backed you up on pick em and conspired to fool Bronco Boy! :)

Once a rule is violated anecdotal claims made after the fact are irrelevant. The rule doesn't state that editing a pick after the start of a game is a violation resulting in disqualification UNLESS another player can vouch the original pick. So you're full of bullshit as usual. And you have no more credibility than any other player on this board. In fact, IMO you have less. You are a very weak leader. You don't even deserve to be a board leader. You cannot be trusted now and you turned the contest into a farce. The only way I would reconsider returning to the contest is if you overturn the ruling and disqualify Fucktard's Washington pick. Otherwise I have no respect for you and, in good conscience, could not participate in a contest with you calling the shots. So until that time you and the others can roll in your own feces. I want no part of it. I have standards. And IMO you have marred the reputation of 'Ol Dixie Land.

Once a rule is violated anecdotal claims made after the fact are irrelevant. The rule doesn't state that editing a pick after the start of a game is a violation resulting in disqualification UNLESS another player can vouch the original pick. So you're full of bullshit as usual. And you have no more credibility than any other player on this board. In fact, IMO you have less. You are a very weak leader. You don't even deserve to be a board leader. You cannot be trusted now and you turned the contest into a farce. The only way I would reconsider returning to the contest is if you overturn the ruling and disqualify Fucktard's Washington pick. Otherwise I have no respect for you and, in good conscience, could not participate in a contest with you calling the shots. So until that time you and the others can roll in your own feces. I want no part of it. I have standards. And IMO you have marred the reputation of 'Ol Dixie Land.

Fucktard, Bronco Boy actually has a very good point concerning this issue. You cannot edit your post once you have made your pick during game time. I just knew when you did not make that initial pick all hell was going to break loose. That is why I posted you a message. I saw your pick on Saturday but it does not matter if Jesus himself saw your pick. It is a rule that we all must follow. I know it is just a game and there is no money involved. You are (7-4) for the week. You and Bronco Fraud share #1 for Week 7. I am sincerely sorry but even though your pick was correct it was invalid because the post was edited during game time. Because the post was edited during game time another picker can make the claim that the pick was changed. I know you were only correcting a grammatical error and I saw your pick, but other players who were not watching the board on Saturday like me can make a claim like this. In all fairness the rules were not followed so the pick is invalid.
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Pick Em Players,

For my personal sanity and time I have decided to amend the rules. You can no longer edit your picks before game time. When you make your picks you must commit to those picks. You must pick all games at one time. I and the majority of the players already do this. I hope all of you can respect the fact that it is to time consuming for me to keep up with player's changing picks or not picking all games at one time. If you miss one game in your initial picks then you will not be given credit for that game. Sorry to be a hard ass, I appreciate everyone's participation but please help me out with this. I enjoy being the moderator of the Pick Em but I just want everyone to get along and play by the same rules.

Since there are no "kings and queens," in Pick Em please let me know if you agree to these terms?
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Fucktard, Bronco Boy actually has a very good point concerning this issue. You cannot edit your picks once you have made them. I saw your pick on Saturday but it does not matter if Jesus himself saw your pick. It is a rule that we all must follow. I know it is just a game and there is no money involved. You are (7-4) for the week. You and Bronco Fraud share #1 for Week 7. I am sincerely sorry but even though your pick was correct it was invalid because the post was edited during game time. Because the post was edited during game time another picker can make the claim that the pick was changed. I know you were only correcting a grammatical error and I saw your pick but other players who were not watching the board on Saturday like me can make a claim like this. In all fairness the rules were not followed so the pick is invalid.

That was the fair thing to do even if it bends someone's nose out of shape. Pick 'Em is no different than a football game. If the offensive tackle holds the defensive end during a pass rush it results in a 10 yard loss EVEN IF THE OFFENSIVE TACKLE DID NOT HOLD THE DEFENSIVE END ON PURPOSE! If a Pick 'Em player edits a pick post AFTER the game has started - the pick is automatically disqualified. No excuses. And this rule applies to every single player. Fairness is not a concept that only applies when money is on the line. Fairness is a concept that should apply whenever we mortals engage in the spirit of competition. That is the American way.

So let's put Week #7 behind us and move into Week #8 with a clean contest for the rest of the season and no more vitriol among the players. That's my proposal.

Btw, I will post the new leaderboard tomorrow.

Thank you for doing the right thing, Bamaboy.

Pick Em Players,

For my personal sanity and time I have decided to amend the rules. You can no longer edit your picks before game time. When you make your picks you must commit to those picks. You must pick all games at one time. I and the majority of the players already do this. I hope all of you can respect the fact that it is to time consuming for me to keep up with player's changing picks or not picking all games at one time. If you miss one game in your initial picks then you will not be given credit for that game. Sorry to be a hard ass, I appreciate everyone's participation but please help me out with this. I enjoy being the moderator of the Pick Em but I just want everyone to get along and play by the same rules.

Since there are no "kings and queens," in Pick Em please let me know if you agree to these terms?

I agree with your post but I thought the rules were already in place with regard to editing pick posts.

But one recommendation. Some players might not have time to complete the entire pick post when a Thursday game appears on the list. I think players should be allowed to pick Thursday games in advance of completing their pick post for Saturday's games. Just my opinion.

And you're not being a 'hard ass', Bamaboy. You are being an effective moderator.

BamaBoy - I double checked your scoring. You made another mistake this week. You scored Pale @ 5-7 when he's actually 6-6. His correct picks include Iowa, Oregon St, Alabama, Stanford, Florida and So. Carolina.

Scoring picks is really not a difficult task. If you can't do it right - please assign that responsibility to someone else. If it happened once or even twice I would overlook it and not say a thing. But it's becoming a weekly occurrence. Much too much.

Once you make the change I will complete the leaderboard.