You are like a spoiled little child who always pushes the envelope and expects special favors which makes life more difficult for others. Most people would call it 'selfishness'.
Not hardly, just here to have fun, which we have, until you came on full force with your rules and nastiness. I never expected a late pick to be counted, nor have I done anything other than not bold and underline one week - oh no! The tragedy! Time for you to shut your pie hole, BamaBoy counted my picks.
First you want the privilege of using updated spreads that occur after the original Pick 'Em schedule is posted while everyone else uses the orginial spreads.
First of all, I ASKED about spreads changing, and then made a joke about changing picks - have I ever done that? Once my question was answered, did I ever mention it again? No. Once again, taking things WAY too seriously!
Then you want the privilege of getting your picks in late so that the scorer's are forced to make adjustments for you later - like I had to do in Week #5.
Then you want the privilege of submitting your picks without bold or underlining highlights making life more difficult for the ones who score your picks.
Only while I had no access to a laptop and can't bold and underline on an iPhone. Lighten up, man! Most of the other players, including BamaBoy, don't care that he has to look at a post of picks vs. his format -- especially since I don't do it every week.
What are you going to want next? Double credit on all your correct picks?
Asshole. You just like to start shit. Why? Did I piss you off with a remark about Boise St? Is it because I am a woman? Tell me.
And you cite your "busy schedule" and "party life" as the reason why you should be entitled 'special privileges', as if no one else on the board has a life outside Cafe Pharma Pick 'Em. Are you serious?
Sorry if explaining my reasons to my Pick Em "friends" is considered asking for special privileges, and my explanation is a problem for you, last time I checked, this was BamaBoy's Pick Em deal and NOT YOURS, and I have not heard the nastiness and complaining from him.
Just grow up, follow the protocol and stop making the contest more difficult for everyone else.
Who in the hell am I affecting except for BamaBoy? Am I bothering anyone else but you, Hitler?? NO!!!
I commend you for getting your picks in on time and in the correct format for Week #6.
It's sad that I have to say that to a grown adult.
No, what it sad it that you continue this tirade on a FUN, no-money- involved Pick Em board day after day - like you delight in this whole thing.
Secondly, Pick 'Em players are allowed to question decisions made by the board moderator. This is a democracy. If you or the board moderator find that offensive - screw both of you. The Boise St - So. Miss game stuck out like a sore thumb on the Week #6 schedule and made no sense to me. I only questioned what motivated it, just like I would question if the moderator included the Rice - Memphis game.
Lastly, my recommendation to amend the rules to separate premium players from sub-premium 'not ready for prime time' players on the leaderboard makes perfect sense. Those who pick all or most of the games on a consistent basis should be rewarded for their efforts and for putting themselves at heightened risk by not 'cherry picking' the games. If you can't manage to pick at least 75% of the total games then you don't deserve to get the same recognition as Tinkrbelle who has been a consistent participant and picked almost all the games. It's called 'fairness', something that you obviously have a problem with.
Was it necessary to tell me this? My problem is not with fairness - it is with you and how you are conducting yourself on here.
So just follow the protocol and you won't get any pushback from me. I promise that. But don't think that you are better than the rest on the Pick 'Em board and that you somehow deserve more. You don't. And I will remind you of that if you forget.
Again, show me where I have ever asked for anything above what could and should be considered for anyone else. For some reason, you have taken a well-run, fun pick em board and tainted it with your rudeness.
Thank you for your future consideration.
My final thoughts: I am going to ask you once more to mellow out and have fun with this. You have over-exaggerated everything to do with me on here. I get it. You don't like me. However, when it comes to anything to do with these football picks, I will continue to defer to the one who started it, BamaBoy, so don't waste time typing me any more of your mandates or warnings. You do the leaderboard, that is all.