White Trash
White Trash
Sorry, patience is not one of my virtues Fucktard. For the last 3 weeks we've had to make your adjustments for you. Everyone else manages to follow the protocol. All of us have busy lives. Not just you. I'm not trying to be a hard ass. I'm just saying let's all do our part to make it fun and relaxing experience so scoring the picks is not like figuring out a trigonometry equation. I think all of us should follow the same protocol. If the majority rule against me and tell me that I'm full of shit and to shut up - fine - I can live with that. But I don't think the majority want a different set of protocol for each player. I might be wrong. But I don't think so.
I a not here to cause no trouble, I am just here to do the pick em shuffle. I really don't care how someone makes their picks known, of course I don't score them so what do I care? carry on, carry on.