Drug Dumper
Well-Known Member
- Drug Dumper   Nov 30, 2013 at 07:36: PM
Drug Dumper
Well-Known Member
That Alabama/ Auburn finish was as wild as they get......
That Alabama/ Auburn finish was as wild as they get......
BamaBoy has to be drinking himself silly about now.
Good games this weekend.
I thought the announcer was having a heart attack !!!
Tinkerbelle is kickin' ass again !!!!
And he didn't include the Michigan/Ohio State game either.....unless I was blind and missed it.
I wonder if BamaBoy jumped off the top of his double-wide last night and why we haven't heard from him yet.
I wonder if BamaBoy jumped off the top of his double-wide last night and why we haven't heard from him yet.
Dayam, FT, we sucked on our picks.
Shhh....don't say it that way, you're gonna get Vag excited.