My fellow Pick 'Em Players, Friends and World-Wide Spectators,
I have a special public service announcement to make today. We have ended our regular season play for Cafe Pharma NCAA Division 1A Football Pick 'Em for 2012/13. It's been a rough & tumble season. Some of us have been a little battered up and bruised from our on-line contact competition but all of us have come out on the other end as better human beings. Yes, even those who fell from the intense competition and discontinued play. For they too should be respected today for their honorable effort.
Okay, right up front let's get the housekeeping out of the way. Tonight @ about 8pm EST (may be delayed due to host moderation) we will hold our first annual "SILVER CROWN AFFAIR" to honor the 2012/13 regular season champion of CP Pick 'Em. Active players must attend. It is mandatory. Any unexcused absence will result in automatic suspension from the 2012/13 'No Spread' bowl game competition and possible suspension from Week #1 in our 2013/14 regular season. This does not apply to players who fell out of competition during the course of the season. You may opt out w/o penalty. But I do encourage your attendance as it will be a splendid event in which to participate.
Dress code: Needless to say all players must be completely dressed during the ceremony. Please, no body parts hanging out. Men: Buttoned shirt and casual slacks would be ideal. Ladies: Blouse and skirts hemmed below the knee. No tennis shoes. This is not Hollywood. No exceptions.
Demeanor: Please, watch the alcohol. We encourage a drink or 2. But don't overdo it. If anyone vomits on the carpeting while the ceremony is in progress - that's an automatic ban for the 2013/14 season and from the 2012/13 bowl games. PLEASE - Positively no obscene gestures or acts during the ceremony. That would a lifetime ban from our Pick 'Em competition. I know we are a competitive bunch of mongrols - but it's imperative that you be polite and show reverance toward our regular season champ. In fact, for the next week (effective today until Sunday 12/9) you MUST address our regular season champ as "Queen", as she will hold the Silver Crown for a one-year period. Subsequent to 12/9 you can address her in a normal manner. However, the winner of the Gold Crown (highest score for the regular and bowl seasons COMBINED) must be addressed as "King" or "Queen" for the entire 2013 calendar year. For each violation you will be subject to a .5% deduction off your total scores for the 2012/13 bowl games and for the 2013/14 regular season. This penalty is not retroactive.
Ok. Now it's my pleasure to accounce the winner of the 2012/13 CP Pick 'Em season and recipient of the Silver Crown award: (drum roll......) QUEEN FUCKTARD!!!!!
Queen Fuckie won our competition by a full 1.3%. That's no small margin. So there is no doubt about who is the honored champion for 2012/13. So I don't want any sour grapes or protests here. If anyone complains about Queen Fuckie being a legitimate regular season champ that's an automatic .5% deduction off your 'No-Spread' Pick 'Em Bowl score.
My heartfelt congratulations to Queen Fuckie. I know you scatched, clawed and pulled hair to get to where you are and it's most certainly an impressive and prestigious achievement. The field of competition was keen and we had competitors who didn't always play above board to gain a competitive advantage. But through it your highness found a way to extract a victory and come away with the ultimate win. On behalf of all the players (active and inactive) and our world-wide spectators, I honor your victory and we wish you a elegant Silver Crown reign.
Ok. Now let's move onto the scores:
End of Regular Season Play, 2012/13
1. QUEEN FUCKTARD: (88-75) + (4-5) = (92-80) (53.4%) (89.6%) [We have our first reigning QUEEN and her name is FUCKTARD. Long Live the Queen! Long Live the Queen! Long Live the Queen! You done good, Queen Fucktard! But there is still hard work ahead of you since the MOST prestigious Pick 'Em award is the GOLD CROWN which you still must compete for. So savor your royal. Then you must return to the Pick 'Em board again and face the competition]
2. TINKRBELLE: (94-84) + (6-6) = (100-90) (52.6%) (99%) [You gave it all you had, Tink. It was a yeoman's effort for sure. But coming in 2nd place is a true honor. And you are a front runner for the most prestigious GOLD CROWN at the end of the bowl season. And GOLD trumps SILVER, my dear. Keep your nose to the grindstone and bring home the ultimate winner. You are still the crowd favorite.]
3. BRONCOBOY: (92-88) + (8-4) = (100-92) (52.1%) (100%) [Damn Brocomeister, you old long-legged war horse you! You almost pulled it off, chief. You came a pubic hair away from capturing 2nd place and had both Queen Fuckie and Tink worried for a minute or two. The BroncoBoy gets the most inspirational award for moving from 43% to over 52%. Nice job, old boy. Now let's see of those long skinny-assed legs of yours can bring home a Gold!]
4. WHITE TRASH: (68-76) + (7-5) = 75-81) (48.1%) (81.3%) [Well, White Trash, you done yourself proud and white trash across the nation proud by jumping into #4 position in the last week of regular season play. Nice job. You can hold your head high and don't ever let anyone talk down to you based on your fine performance in Week #14. Bronco has you by a full 4 pecentage points but a lot can happen in "No-Spread Bonanza Bowl" with so many games to pick. I wish you luck. But I don't want to end up worse than "White Trash". I could never live that down.
5. BAMABOY: (87-93) + (5-7) = (92-100 (47.9%) (100%) [Well, you finished #5 in the regular season. The fans are calling you "worse than White Trash" - but we know your real holiday present is the fact that the Crimson Tide are going to the NC game. I can't promise that I will cheer the Tide on yet. I will tell you on Dec 8th. But, in the spirit of good sportsmanship, all we players congratulate the Tide and your fine, fine State of Alabama. With that said, we expect you to shine during the Pick 'Em bowl games and climb the ladder. You've played below expectation in 2012/13. In the last week you jumped Pale Horse and got jumped by White Trash. So I guess it all evened out. So let's march on into the bowl games. Onward ho!!!]
6. PALE HORSE: (68-70) + (2-10) = (70-80) (46.7%) (78.1%) [Jesus Mary Christmas Tree, Pale. You went from 49.3% to 46.7%. How could you fuck it up like that? Not only that. You dropped 2 positions from 4th to 6th. Back to the training track 6 hours a day prior to the the bowl game race for you! Keep that shit up and your investors will send you over to the glue factory.]
7. BREAKING NEWS: (29-48) + (NP) = (29-48) (37.6%) (40.1%) [Breaking, no idea where you went or what happened to you, man. But you're welcomed to attend tonight's "Silver Crown Affair" award ceremony and mostly to participate in the "No-Spread Bonanza Bowl" competition. You are fully eligible for the Bronze Crown so do some training and we'll see you on the track.]
8. NIGHT TRAIN LANE: (2-8) + (NP) = (2-8) (25%) (5.2%) [We know you're still lurking out there watching the action, NTL. Come on down to the track and give "No-Spread" a whirl. Hell, whatya got to lose? You might pick up a Bronze and be a superstar back at the watering hole. And bring Breaking with ya. Get that young boy back on the track where he belongs. And remember. BAC testing 2 hours before the race.]
* First percentage is % of correct picks of total picks by each player.
* Second percentage is % of games each picker has played of the total 192 games that have been posted in Week #1 through Week #14 (end of regular season). Those who have not picked at least 75% of the total 192 games are in the sub-premium category and are not qualified to be on top of the leaderboard. However, sub-premium players can join the premium group by picking all the games from this point on, as long as they raise their % of total games picked to 75% or more.
My fellow Pick 'Em Players, Friends and World-Wide Spectators,
I have a special public service announcement to make today. We have ended our regular season play for Cafe Pharma NCAA Division 1A Football Pick 'Em for 2012/13. It's been a rough & tumble season. Some of us have been a little battered up and bruised from our on-line contact competition but all of us have come out on the other end as better human beings. Yes, even those who fell from the intense competition and discontinued play. For they too should be respected today for their honorable effort.
Okay, right up front let's get the housekeeping out of the way. Tonight @ about 8pm EST (may be delayed due to host moderation) we will hold our first annual "SILVER CROWN AFFAIR" to honor the 2012/13 regular season champion of CP Pick 'Em. Active players must attend. It is mandatory. Any unexcused absence will result in automatic suspension from the 2012/13 'No Spread' bowl game competition and possible suspension from Week #1 in our 2013/14 regular season. This does not apply to players who fell out of competition during the course of the season. You may opt out w/o penalty. But I do encourage your attendance as it will be a splendid event in which to participate.
Dress code: Needless to say all players must be completely dressed during the ceremony. Please, no body parts hanging out. Men: Buttoned shirt and casual slacks would be ideal. Ladies: Blouse and skirts hemmed below the knee. No tennis shoes. This is not Hollywood. No exceptions.
Demeanor: Please, watch the alcohol. We encourage a drink or 2. But don't overdo it. If anyone vomits on the carpeting while the ceremony is in progress - that's an automatic ban for the 2013/14 season and from the 2012/13 bowl games. PLEASE - Positively no obscene gestures or acts during the ceremony. That would a lifetime ban from our Pick 'Em competition. I know we are a competitive bunch of mongrols - but it's imperative that you be polite and show reverance toward our regular season champ. In fact, for the next week (effective today until Sunday 12/9) you MUST address our regular season champ as "Queen", as she will hold the Silver Crown for a one-year period. Subsequent to 12/9 you can address her in a normal manner. However, the winner of the Gold Crown (highest score for the regular and bowl seasons COMBINED) must be addressed as "King" or "Queen" for the entire 2013 calendar year. For each violation you will be subject to a .5% deduction off your total scores for the 2012/13 bowl games and for the 2013/14 regular season. This penalty is not retroactive.
Ok. Now it's my pleasure to accounce the winner of the 2012/13 CP Pick 'Em season and recipient of the Silver Crown award: (drum roll......) QUEEN FUCKTARD!!!!!
Queen Fuckie won our competition by a full 1.3%. That's no small margin. So there is no doubt about who is the honored champion for 2012/13. So I don't want any sour grapes or protests here. If anyone complains about Queen Fuckie being a legitimate regular season champ that's an automatic .5% deduction off your 'No-Spread' Pick 'Em Bowl score.
My heartfelt congratulations to Queen Fuckie. I know you scatched, clawed and pulled hair to get to where you are and it's most certainly an impressive and prestigious achievement. The field of competition was keen and we had competitors who didn't always play above board to gain a competitive advantage. But through it your highness found a way to extract a victory and come away with the ultimate win. On behalf of all the players (active and inactive) and our world-wide spectators, I honor your victory and we wish you a elegant Silver Crown reign.
Ok. Now let's move onto the scores:
End of Regular Season Play, 2012/13
1. QUEEN FUCKTARD: (88-75) + (4-5) = (92-80) (53.4%) (89.6%) [We have our first reigning QUEEN and her name is FUCKTARD. Long Live the Queen! Long Live the Queen! Long Live the Queen! You done good, Queen Fucktard! But there is still hard work ahead of you since the MOST prestigious Pick 'Em award is the GOLD CROWN which you still must compete for. So savor your royal. Then you must return to the Pick 'Em board again and face the competition]
2. TINKRBELLE: (94-84) + (6-6) = (100-90) (52.6%) (99%) [You gave it all you had, Tink. It was a yeoman's effort for sure. But coming in 2nd place is a true honor. And you are a front runner for the most prestigious GOLD CROWN at the end of the bowl season. And GOLD trumps SILVER, my dear. Keep your nose to the grindstone and bring home the ultimate winner. You are still the crowd favorite.]
3. BRONCOBOY: (92-88) + (8-4) = (100-92) (52.1%) (100%) [Damn Brocomeister, you old long-legged war horse you! You almost pulled it off, chief. You came a pubic hair away from capturing 2nd place and had both Queen Fuckie and Tink worried for a minute or two. The BroncoBoy gets the most inspirational award for moving from 43% to over 52%. Nice job, old boy. Now let's see of those long skinny-assed legs of yours can bring home a Gold!]
4. WHITE TRASH: (68-76) + (7-5) = 75-81) (48.1%) (81.3%) [Well, White Trash, you done yourself proud and white trash across the nation proud by jumping into #4 position in the last week of regular season play. Nice job. You can hold your head high and don't ever let anyone talk down to you based on your fine performance in Week #14. Bronco has you by a full 4 pecentage points but a lot can happen in "No-Spread Bonanza Bowl" with so many games to pick. I wish you luck. But I don't want to end up worse than "White Trash". I could never live that down.
5. BAMABOY: (87-93) + (5-7) = (92-100 (47.9%) (100%) [Well, you finished #5 in the regular season. The fans are calling you "worse than White Trash" - but we know your real holiday present is the fact that the Crimson Tide are going to the NC game. I can't promise that I will cheer the Tide on yet. I will tell you on Dec 8th. But, in the spirit of good sportsmanship, all we players congratulate the Tide and your fine, fine State of Alabama. With that said, we expect you to shine during the Pick 'Em bowl games and climb the ladder. You've played below expectation in 2012/13. In the last week you jumped Pale Horse and got jumped by White Trash. So I guess it all evened out. So let's march on into the bowl games. Onward ho!!!]
6. PALE HORSE: (68-70) + (2-10) = (70-80) (46.7%) (78.1%) [Jesus Mary Christmas Tree, Pale. You went from 49.3% to 46.7%. How could you fuck it up like that? Not only that. You dropped 2 positions from 4th to 6th. Back to the training track 6 hours a day prior to the the bowl game race for you! Keep that shit up and your investors will send you over to the glue factory.]
7. BREAKING NEWS: (29-48) + (NP) = (29-48) (37.6%) (40.1%) [Breaking, no idea where you went or what happened to you, man. But you're welcomed to attend tonight's "Silver Crown Affair" award ceremony and mostly to participate in the "No-Spread Bonanza Bowl" competition. You are fully eligible for the Bronze Crown so do some training and we'll see you on the track.]
8. NIGHT TRAIN LANE: (2-8) + (NP) = (2-8) (25%) (5.2%) [We know you're still lurking out there watching the action, NTL. Come on down to the track and give "No-Spread" a whirl. Hell, whatya got to lose? You might pick up a Bronze and be a superstar back at the watering hole. And bring Breaking with ya. Get that young boy back on the track where he belongs. And remember. BAC testing 2 hours before the race.]
* First percentage is % of correct picks of total picks by each player.
* Second percentage is % of games each picker has played of the total 192 games that have been posted in Week #1 through Week #14 (end of regular season). Those who have not picked at least 75% of the total 192 games are in the sub-premium category and are not qualified to be on top of the leaderboard. However, sub-premium players can join the premium group by picking all the games from this point on, as long as they raise their % of total games picked to 75% or more.