
Just when you thought NC couldn't get anymore distasteful than the "Cancer" advertisement at PNC park, think again. Knowing that he was going to be tasked with having to layoff 1/3 of the sales organization the next day NC gets on the riverboat at our meeting and starts dancing??? What kind of a CEO does something like that? I'm not quite sure how to describe his dancing either... Imagine Kevin Bacon in "Foot loose".... Now imagine "Sloth" from "the goonies" doing those moves and that sums up what I witnessed.

Bottom line, NC is and F-ing liar and promised all of our jobs were safe then does this... This company is finally on its last leg.
"move on"... I guess we all have no choice thanks to NC... We'll all be moving on eventually. How in gods name did the board of directors get rid of SM and replace him with NC??? SM was a much better leader and actually pretty intelligent. NC couldn't count his balls and come up with the same number twice!
if you don't like the post stay off the board. I don't suppose you are filing for unemployment or on Cobra because it was impossible to get insurance in 6 working days!
if you don't like the post stay off the board. I don't suppose you are filing for unemployment or on Cobra because it was impossible to get insurance in 6 working days!

Nope! I just think if you have such a high dislike for a person let them know who you are or at least tell them directly not on a place like this. I still work for this company and I will until the doors close.
I still work for this company and I will until the doors close.

You're a little "touched" aren't you? Wouldn't it make more sense to be proactive in securing your future rather than continue to stick your head in the sand and stay aboard the sinking ship? Loyalty isn't going to pay the bills and it isn't going to provide your health insurance either. Take your blinders off dimwit.
NC is blaming Affordable Care Act in a presser announcing the second "realignment". I thought ACA was signed into laws years before NC took over Helomics. The guy is blaming everyone else for his incompetence.
I have to say that Neil Campbell, former CEO of Helomics, is probably the most incompetent leader I’ve ever met in the healthcare business. I honestly can not figure out, for the life of me, how Healthcare Royalty Partners didn’t see through this used car salesman and hired him to run Helomics!? Have you ever seen anyone dress like this guy for a baseball game?? I knew within 15 minutes of meeting him that he was way over his head in this job! It’s a shame how Neil Campbell ran Helomics into the ground. Thankfully, the board of Healthcare Royalty Partners fired Neil Campbell.