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NBU fate???


They don’t seem to be releasing much about the future of USBU. They mention the goal for Julie is to “advance our reputation” in the US.

Will March 31 bring the end of the NBU? Of GI? Of Med?


They don’t seem to be releasing much about the future of USBU. They mention the goal for Julie is to “advance our reputation” in the US.

Will March 31 bring the end of the NBU? Of GI? Of Med?
Possible…but for GI Entyvio and Gattex are safe this year. Gattex might be in trouble next year.
Entyvio probably safe for the foreseeable future.

NBU and MED are in big trouble…

I think MED is completely gone...Small teams anyway, with no products left in their bag.
Neuro might finally get right sized.
GI (Entyvio) is still rocking it - no changes.
Happy 2022!

This!!! There is nowhere near enough access in our territory for 2 reps. We are running around calling on the same few HCPs and then are forced to make up fake calls to supplement. Come on Takeda! Wake up.

This!!! There is nowhere near enough access in our territory for 2 reps. We are running around calling on the same few HCPs and then are forced to make up fake calls to supplement. Come on Takeda! Wake up.
Careful what you wish for you dolt… My territory has plenty of opportunity for two people. If you don’t like it just quit

What territory still has 2 reps, I have been alone for 2 years now. 1 of our territories has been empty for over a year. Just heard of a territory of over 2 million people, how do you cover that, and get judged on total scripts? Right size us

What territory still has 2 reps, I have been alone for 2 years now. 1 of our territories has been empty for over a year. Just heard of a territory of over 2 million people, how do you cover that, and get judged on total scripts? Right size us

This is 100% truth. They collapsed a huge territory into mine, and I dont have Lundbeck support. Just a ton of angry customers that need more samples and free trial offers. Can't wait to tell them that the free trial offers that I just delivered may not actually work.

“Selling” pills at a pharma company is like someone’s first job at McDonalds. Use it on you’re resume to move up.

If your job has been marketing small molecule drugs and sampling doctors for over 5 years, you’ve done this all wrong.

No territory in this country has enough work for 2 reps and a manager on top of that. Let the layoffs begin so we can all move on with our lives. You are in DENIAL loser.
Wow you must be in operations that you know geographies all over the country. Psych territories don’t have enough work but primary care does and if we modeled our business off of other Pharma companies and not TAKEDA there’d be plenty of HCPs to see.

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