Mike is completely lost. The decision has been made to keep the MSPs and the shotty contracts through this year. Camille has said more than once that since 70% of our business comes through the MSP we are going to find a way to grow this business. The stark reality is that the 30% that is direct continues to lose ground. Camille has a history of trimming sales and eliminating overhead.
We are already behind the 8 ball as far as fiber sales, the asps are dead, and we continue to bleed business out the back door. The solution? Train our msp to do our job and then get rid of us. By Q3 it will be real start of purging. we have no new products on the horizon, we are way overpriced compared to equivalent technologies, no one is buying boxes, and no one is making money. PH is a dead man walking. Cant wait for the 30 Watt stone! Oh wait....Camille doesn't believe we should be in the stone business either!
My Crystal balls are bigger than your rubber balls